With 2024 fast approaching, it’s time to take stock of the learning and growing we’ve done over the past year and set our sights on all we hope to achieve in the coming months! The new year is a powerful time for setting intentions — it’s a blank slate, a clean canvas, a freshly blanketed field of snow waiting for you to make tracks! As you pull out your 2024 calendars, unpackage your fresh planners, and get ready to turn the page in more ways than one, envision filling all those pages with your intentions and wisdom — and then get to work!
The numerology of 2024
When it comes to setting new year intentions, I love thinking about the numerology surrounding the coming year. 2024 is an 8 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8), and the number 8 represents abundance, expansion, and infinity. It also signifies harmony and the interconnectedness between celestial and earthly realms, embodying a cosmic equilibrium associated with manifesting prosperity and spiritual harmony.
Those born under life path 8 place a premium on success and financial security — and they know how to achieve the abundance they seek. 8 is the executive with far-reaching ideas and concepts. The leadership skills of path 8 people are dynamic — inspirational, courageous, independent, organized, and ambitious. Working with the energy of the number 8 can help you unlock the keys to prosperity in your own life — restoring your spiritual equilibrium, opening your heart to the blessings all around you, and giving you the drive and tenacity to seek them out!
8 intentions to set for 2024, based on numerology
1. Express your gratitude
The number 8 is all about expansion, making 2024 a powerful time to manifest more abundance in your life. However, abundance begins with gratitude! This practice is much more than saying “thank you” — we’re talking about opening your heart to receive your blessings. The more we give thanks for what we have, the more good fortune we magnetize to ourselves in this sacred cycle of giving and receiving, allowing and attracting.
2. Ask, believe, receive!
Well, what are you waiting for? It’s time to shoot your shot! Asking for what you desire and need is the first step toward sacred sovereignty because when you ask, you initiate half of a very important conversation with your guides and ancestors. When we ask, the universe gives.
3. Say it out loud
Voicing our dreams can be scary — What will others think? Are my goals unrealistic? What if I fail? However, when we speak our intentions out loud, we put that energy into the universe in a very real way. Putting words to our thoughts, hopes, and future plans helps us manifest the reality we want to see — and it encourages us to act on our dreams!

4. Write it down
As the calendar begins anew in 2024, now is the perfect time to reinvigorate your journaling practice, organize your thoughts, and put a plan in place for achieving your goals. When you put pen to paper, you can set intentions, release fear, and chart your journey in a personal, magical way. Writing is a potent time to initiate new ideas, projects, and all kinds of new beginnings. Even if they all don’t make sense or come to fruition, better to get them out than keep them in.
5. Say yes
Whether it’s taking the lead on a project at work, accepting a dinner invitation from an unexpected suitor, or taking off on a last-minute road trip with an old friend, when we say “yes”, we open ourselves to new pathways and opportunities for expansion. Saying “yes” is the first step in starting a new chapter — be the main character you were born to be and get the plot rolling!
6. Be the boss
The number 8 is associated with ambition, inspiration, and execution — it’s time to let your leadership skills shine in 2024! Manifesting more abundance is all about stepping up and taking charge — this can mean taking more initiative at work, being more assertive in your relationships, or giving your energy to those personal projects and business ventures that have fallen by the wayside.
7. Make sound investments
The key to increasing your prosperity is making sound investments — whether it’s your money, time, or energy — and 2024 is the perfect time to start investing in your future and planting seeds for new growth. However, it’s important to choose where you allocate your resources wisely. Before taking on any new project, ask yourself: Do I have the energy to expend? Is the payout worth the investment? Does it resonate with my soul’s purpose?
8. Make time for your spiritual practice
While it’s easy to get wrapped up in our earthly concerns, the number 8 also encourages us to seek celestial connection and spiritual harmony. When we commune with the higher realms, we invite their blessings into our lives! Make time for meditation, reach out to your spiritual circle, and work with altars, crystal grids, and other magical tools to support your soul work. This Living Magic Graduation Grid with Flower of Life Copper Gridding Plate is perfect for supporting your intentions for spiritual expansion!
In closing
I’m wishing each and every one of you a beautiful and transformative year ahead. May 2024 bring you all the love, abundance, healing, and joy that you deserve. And so it is.
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