Free Offer: One year of the Happier Meditation App


Since you follow Tiny Buddha, I’m guessing you might be familiar with the benefits of meditation and perhaps have already experienced many of them yourself.

I first found meditation through yoga, which I initially started at a gym solely because I was curious.

I didn’t know then that meditation can help with depression, anxiety, stress, and insomnia (all of which I’ve experienced); that it can literally rewire the brain to help with healing from trauma (also a battle I know very well); or that it can help prevent and heal numerous physical conditions.

Now here I am, over two decades later, armed with all the evidence I need to make meditation a top priority, yet I still struggle with consistency, especially when life gets busy or hard—which is, of course, when self-care is often needed the most.

If you can relate—if you’ve ever felt like you’re doing meditation wrong or somehow failing at your practice—I have a feeling you’ll appreciate today’s offer: a free year of the Happier meditation app, which is valued at $99.99. (Offer ends October 31st.)

Happier (one of this month’s site sponsors) is the meditation app that meets you where you are—whatever you’re dealing with, whatever time you have available, and whatever time of consistency you can manage.

With a monthly check-in experience that enables you to reset your interests and intentions, the app is highly flexible, growing or scaling back with you and offering personalized recommendations that meet your needs. No pressure, no judgment. Just a massive collection of calming, healing practices from insightful, world-renowned teachers, delivered to you in the way the best serves you at any given time.

You could say this is the app for “bad meditators,” or rather the app that realizes that the goal isn’t to be good at meditation but rather to nurture a practice that works for you.

Not feeling seated meditation today? No problem—you can watch a short video or enjoy a gratitude practice through the app.

Struggling to take your mindfulness practice off your cushion? The app has you covered with a variety of on-the-go practices, including mindful movement, breathing exercises, and immersive audio experiences.

You can also search by topic—e.g., “parenting,” “money,” or “anger”—for instant access to the peace and perspective you need to make meaningful changes in your life.

With the Happier meditation app, you don’t have to meditate perfectly or daily—the app emphasizes progress over perfection and supports you in the messy, imperfect journey of being human. And because the Happier team believes so strongly in their adaptable approach, they’re offering the world’s first ever Meditation Make-Good campaign, with a five-year money-back promise if the app isn’t helpful to you.

When I first opened the Happier meditation app, I felt a wave of calm wash over me. Offering a wide assortment of courses and on-demand meditations, led by joyful, supportive instructors, Happier feels like a little bit of peace in my pocket. It’s quite literally a breath of fresh air, which is sometimes the most important step toward health and happiness.

Whether you’re looking to start or reinvigorate your practice, I highly recommend you give the Happier meditation app a try. You can sign up for a free year of the paid subscription (valued at $99.99) here. This offer is only good until October 31st,  so be sure to sign up soon if you’re interested!

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