Home SPIRITUAL Paradigm Shifting Emotions towards Peace of Mind 

Paradigm Shifting Emotions towards Peace of Mind 

Paradigm Shifting Emotions towards Peace of Mind 

Paradigm Shifting Emotions towards Peace of Mind 

If you use a cell phone, you have unwittingly accepted the validity of Quantum Mechanics and the discoveries of its noted scientists. Without them, we would not have Fax machines, lasers, medical imaging and so on. This has all opened a doorway to understanding how the brain works and subsequently how to calm the brain and return to our natural state of peace and calm. 

Mind is Not the Brain

Physicists such as Dr. Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Prize Winner, are on the frontier of discovering the true essence of the mind.  He states: “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.”  

According to Max Planck, founder of Quantum Theory, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration.  I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.  This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” 

From the lens offered by these brilliant scientists, we can see the “mind” for what it is—the essence of every living thing on the planet, the “unified field” Einstein refers to that is the sum total of all the spirits in the universe.  

Think of the mind as the master controller of our brains, thus our emotions.  However, on this plane of existence, we live in a duality, light/dark, positive/negative, yin/yang, et cetera.  Instead of being of “one mind” on this plane of duality, we have a split mind.  A “right mind” and an “ego mind.” Our right mind represents our Spirit-the source of our being, the essence of love. It is free of negative emotions and brings peace of mind. “The better angels of our nature,” according to Abraham Lincoln.  

The opposite or other half of our split mind is what is called the ego mind as it is filled with our defenses and the unconscious guilt that naturally occurs when we have acted out these defenses by attacking others through our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  They are negative, judgment filled, and based on misperceptions and denial that what we do to another, is done to us, given that we are all from the same source.  

Denial of “what is;” causes these emotional reactions to the unpleasant events in our lives.  We not only lose our peace of mind but accrue negative consequences by giving control to our ego mind rather than pausing, taking responsibility for how we feel about whatever the situation is and then asking our source (Spirit) for assistance in moving away from our hate-filled ego mind and thus returning to our right mind, our place of peace and calm.  

Awareness of the Present Moment is the Opposite of Denial or Dissociation

Denial is a powerful defense mechanism and a form of judgment because it does not accept “what is.”  Denial causes repression, a stuffing away of the negative experience, negative thoughts and/or bodily sensations related to a specific event or events.  Hastily moving away from accepting the discomfort and need for correction of a situation, our “defenses” allow us to push it aside in the fantasy that we no longer have to deal with it.  

  • What is repressed is suppressed–stored in our unconscious mind.  
  • What is suppressed–will either return to the body or be projected outward and thus manifested in the behavior of another or an object in our external environment.  
  • This phenomenon ensures that our failed lessons and poor choices return to us to be learned and therefore corrected.  
  • Denying the lessons in front of us ensures our continual existence in a dissociated reality; doomed to the hamster wheel of seeking, but never finding peace of mind.  
  • Our free choice and free will offers opportunities to choose peace of mind or continued and ongoing conflict by suppressing or projecting our negativity onto another.
  • Like gravity, the truth will always return to us to be once again rejected or acknowledged.  
  • Each time, the consequences grow more dire until we leave Plato’s Cave of our darkened and distorted awareness to reclaim our peace of mind through awareness, acceptance, and forgiveness.
  • Forgiveness is not excusing someone you believe has wronged you. 
  • Forgiveness is asking your Spirit for assistance in accepting the unlearned lesson that has returned to be corrected, released, and forgiven because it is your lesson needed for your growth and evolution.

How Do We Stop the Madness?

First of all, it is important to recognize that the brain is only capable of remembering the past or predicting the future based on past experiences.  Without involving this discussion with the neuroscience of the brain, suffice it to say that our brains are the computer that the mind, whether the right mind or the ego mind programs.  The body is merely the puppet whose strings are pulled by whichever mind is programming it. The body is merely a learning device.

Life is our curriculum for each one of us to learn that the Spirit that we are is our connection to our right minds and the completion of our “lessons.”  Accessing our Spirit is much like using GPS to guide us to our destination.  Asking is receiving the necessary guidance to find our “right mind” and therefore our peace of mind.  

A calm mind, free of distractions moves the brain away from emotional reactivity and its ensuing chaos.  Consider the following options towards that end:

(A more comprehensive list of how to regulate the brain and return to our centered, calm, and peaceful mind and state of being can be found in my latest book—

Flashpoints of Awareness, Lessons Learned from a Life.)


  • Pause, take some deep breaths, and ask your guidance (Spirit) for assistance
  • Meditation 
  • Prayer
  • Being in Nature
  • Soft, Calm Movement of our Bodies
  • Deep, Relaxed Breathing

All these and more serve to “clear our minds” and become aware of the present moment, allowing our divinity (Spirit) access to motivate us to a peaceful mind.

“Resistance causes Persistence” is another quantum mechanics discovery.  How wonderfully simple, free of chaotic emotions and disturbed thinking we could be if we could at least sometimes surrender our ego mind to our higher, Spirit guided right mind.  The choice is simple and each and every one of us will have ongoing opportunities to practice right-minded thinking and enjoying the benefits thereof.  Or suffer the consequences of our judgments and attacking others and therefore ourselves with our negative thoughts and emotions until we learn the lessons before us.

Tarra Judson Stariell

Author: Flashpoints of Awareness, Lessons Learned from a Life

© Copyright 2024


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