5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success with Mars in Taurus


Fiery, go-getter Mars is entering Taurus’s sensible, serene pastures starting June 9 at 11:38 pm PT. This cosmic alignment of grit and groundedness is the perfect time to go after your long-term goals and get things done! Mars is in it to win it, but Taurus reminds us that slow and steady wins the race. Here are five ways to make the most of Mars in Taurus:

  • Get Organized: Instead of leaping headfirst to cross that finish line, take smaller baby steps daily to reach your goals. Make lists, create schedules, and break things into more manageable bites. Bring out your planner, color-code it, and look at things through a long-term lens. 
  • Ask for Advice: Mars tends to do its own thing, but resourceful Taurus reminds us that it doesn’t hurt to ask for help. Sometimes, you have to phone a friend if you want to become a millionaire! Take this time to tap into your support system. Ask for input, pointers, and opinions while keeping your eyes on the prize. 
  • Romanticize Your Routines: Build a daily regimen filled with things you enjoy, whether starting your day with a sunshine-soaked walk, smudging your space before you begin work, or intentionally brewing a cup of tea before bed. The repetition builds discipline, reduces stress, and sets you up for success, balancing the productivity, passion, and pleasure this transit brings. 
  • Refill Your Reserves: Mars in Taurus reminds us to be mindful of our resources and invest our energy wisely — in all areas of our lives. Set some money aside to lay the groundwork for future financial stability. Start saying “no” to things that don’t serve you, allowing for more personal time and energy for self-care. Or start a new fitness routine to build strength, stability and resiliency in years to come.  
  • Reconnect with Nature: While Mars is already on to the next task, earthy Taurus reminds us to slow down and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Honor your hard work by stepping outside to savor the present moment and simple pleasures. Take a leisurely walk in nature, soak up some sun, or treat yourself to a beautiful bowl of seasonal fruit, relishing each juicy bite.

With motivational Mars in Taurus, it’s the perfect time to tackle those long-term goals and steadily progress toward the prosperity that awaits you. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you’ll be able to get what you want while enjoying every step of the process.

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