
3458 POSTS



Funeral Donations- All The Essentials You Need To Know

Funerals are dreadful things that everyone has to be prepared for, but there is no way to actually prepare yourself for them. Death hits us like a headbutt from a train, it turns...

Book Review: The Devil in the Castle

The Devil in the Castle Each chapter of The Devil in the Castle is devoted to one of seven mansions. Woven throughout are Saint Teresa’s own words, as well as Burke’s clear and thorough...

John Paul II: The Light Always Wins

Pope John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyla in Poland in 1920. He lived through communism as a teenager and became a Catholic priest as a young adult. Later Karol became bishop and...

Exorcist Diary: Demons Cling to Unforgiveness

I recently received this note from a man who attended one of our group deliverance sessions. He wrote: Over the past year, I had been suffering from feelings of oppression, frequent...

The Temple of the Trinity

Editor’s note: This article is part 14 of a series, “The Kingdom of Grace.”  Part 13 can be found here.  The primary activity of the Christian heart is the loving contemplation of the Holy...

“A Dominican Moment”: The Story of a Conversion, Part 2

In the beginning of my conversion, God brought me from anti-Catholic to Catholic – and no one was more surprised than I. The fishing-line of the Rosary first snagged me, but St. Thérèse...

5 Steps to Embracing your Emotions

The Moon is the closest planet to Earth and literally moves with us – with you, with me – in a sacred dance that unfolds in even, rhythmic cycles mirroring the cycles of...

Goddess Guide: 5 Rituals for Rebirth

The Wheel of the Year is turning 🍃On March 20, the Sun will cross the equator, marking the Northern Hemisphere’s transition from winter into spring. This phenomenon is known as the Spring Equinox, and...

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