
3454 POSTS



3 Ways to Inspire Creativity

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the last weeks of spring, already turning toward summer. Summer is the Sun’s season – warm, bright, long days, and an open invitation to play. Symbolically, the...


So much energy is flowing, unfolding, and arriving at this time as our planet ascends and evolves toward a higher level of human consciousness. What looks like chaos on the outside is actually...

Litha/Summer Solstice – A Time to Celebrate and Shine

Summer Solstice, the first day of summer, is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In Pagan tradition, it’s known as Litha or Midsummer. This year, Litha falls on June...

4 Ways to Spark Desire

When did it become a crime to want things, to hold desire in your heart? When did you begin to put the needs of others before your own? And have you, like many...

Goddess Guide: 5 Strategies for Self-Empowerment

Do you stand up for yourself? Are you your number one champion? This month, we’re turning to Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and justice for inspiration. Pallas was a fierce warrior and...

6 Ways to Confront the Shadow of Beauty

If you’ve been here a while you know that every year I like to dive deep into Shadow Season. Like, let’s hold NOTHING back deep! And as I was thinking about what to...

The Magic of Mabon

Here we are, gathering together for another beautiful fall season! Turning the Great Wheel once again, we say our grateful goodbyes to the golden days of summer and a heartfelt hello to autumn...

Sage Goddess Smudging Protocol for clearing sacred space

We talk about smudging all the time here at Sage Goddess because it’s a critical first step in any sacred ritual and just a great way to clear negativity and raise the vibe...

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