
3460 POSTS



Spirit Creatures of the North

The change of season is upon us, and with it comes the wisdom of the gatekeepers and spirit creatures of the north. My personal experience with spirit animals has been through shamanic journey,...

A Quick Way to Discover Your Personal Beliefs

Sharing is caring! It might seem like a strange question to ask, but I'm going to ask anyway: What personal beliefs do you hold about yourself? I'll give...

5 Intentions to Set for 2021

2021 is just days away, which means it’s New Year’s resolution time. Let’s quickly step back before we go forward. 2020 tested our patience, endurance, and faith. In numerology, 2020 was a number...

Kindness Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to put together some kindness quotes for you today as a lot of people think kind people are a a bit of a...

Athena’s Top 12 Crystals for Healing

Have you ever been curious about crystal healing? You don’t have to be an expert (or have any desire to be) to work with gemstones for healing purposes. Let me say this –...

Strong Women Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to collect some strong women quotes for you today as I was reminded just how strong minded my wife is after speaking to...

Welcome Home the Awareness of Love

Knock, knock, knock. Do you hear that sound? It’s an invitation. An allowing. A prompting for something deeper, expansive, genuine, and pure. You’re familiar with this sound, although at times it might seem...

Deep Quotes That Will Change Your View Of Life

Sharing is caring! I'd like to tell you a quick story about how a quote literally helped me change my life. About 14 years ago I started a...

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