
3460 POSTS



Astrology Basics – Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

Astrology is a big field, so big even the most experienced and renowned astrologers still have plenty to learn. And, the more we discover about our solar system and the galaxy, the more...

Quotes About Hope That Might Just Change your Life

Sharing is caring! I would like to share some quotes about hope that will really lift you somehow, or break that cycle of thinking where you can't see...

Holographic Self and DNA Activation: Upleveling Your Spiritual Practice

What I love about our community is the way we blend practices for beginners, with wisdom and exercises to support those who are doing more advanced spiritual work – those who have been...

Being Single Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to share some being single quotes with you today as I feel being single has a label attached to it that fosters a...

The Power of 5/5 at 5:55

Are you ready to receive? Because May is the month of abundance. It’s the fifth month of the calendar year, and five is the number of money. Money exists first in the etheric...

Some of Your Personal Beliefs Are Hundreds of Years Old

Sharing is caring! Welcome back to this series talking about your personal beliefs. Today I want to talk about the fact that some of your personal...

Sage Goddess Honoring Madre Tierra for Mother’s Day

For many, Mother’s Day is a challenging day as well as a day of beauty and remembrance. Mothering is the most complex task assigned to human beings because it requires a radical depth...

Why Your Beliefs Are Formed By Seven Years Of Age

Sharing is caring! A lot of people ask me when I've done talks and seminars, when I've said most of your beliefs are formed by seven...

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