
3460 POSTS



Sage Goddess What to Do When Crystals Break

Crystals break for various reasons. Sometimes we’re complete with the lessons those gems bring. Other times, they’re complete with the work they’re meant to do with us. And other times, they’ve absorbed the...

Discover My Limiting Beliefs

Sharing is caring! How do you discover your limiting beliefs? Spending a lot of time talking about this always brings up that inevitable question: We all have...

Sage Goddess The Power of Desire

We talk about desire a lot at Sage Goddess, but what does it really mean? Are you fully aware of the potent magic that desire can create in your life when properly harnessed?...

Unethical Life Hacks

Sharing is caring! We have all read about the life hacks that can change our lives. On the whole, the life hacks we read about are ethical....

The Medicine of Sacred Adornment

I believe in the medicine of sacred adornment – in the process of choosing each piece of crystal jewelry with care and intention. There’s great significance in the gems we select, why, and...

This Man Grew Up Without A Father Has Gone Viral Teaching Kids How To Do Everyday Things

Sharing is caring! I seen this story being shown around the net and had to share it, it's very heartwarming and just makes you feel good about humanity....

Sage Goddess 5 Ways to Nurture Your Divine Masculine

Sex and gender are standard terms conflated by society to sustain the two rigid boxes of male and female. When you break it down, a person’s sex is typically defined by the label...

Roberta Battaglia: This 10 Year Old Singer Was Crying With Nerves And Then She Started Singing

Sharing is caring! When 10 year old Roberta Battaglia first came on stage she was a quivering bag of nerves. At one point she was crying with nerves....

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