
3460 POSTS



Sage Goddess 5 Best Crystals for Beginners

Working with gemstones is a powerful way to manifest your desires and call healing into every facet of your life. Crystals emit energetic vibrations that impact how you feel, sense, and interact with...

Self Publishing Success Story Steven Aitchison

Sharing is caring! Scottish author, Steven Aitchison first started writing his book The Belief Principle in 2014. He had the title of the book, the book cover...

6 Ways to Open Your Heart Chakra

Love is the closest thing to real magic that we possess. Love’s vibration can hold and heal your body and the planet. Love for yourself and others arises from the Anahata, or Heart...

7 Secrets To The 55 x 5 Law Of Attraction Method

Sharing is caring! Imagine having a desire in your life and someone gave you the magic formula to make it happen. Think about the 55×5 law of attraction...

Sage Goddess Crystals for Traveling

After so much time cooped up in our personal spaces, many of us are getting bitten by the travel bug and planning getaways near and far. Of course, everyone has their must-have travel...

Timeline Perspective

Timeline Perspective Are you happy with all the different areas of your life? What about the old you, would they be happy with the way your life is just now?what about your...

Sage Goddess Virgo – Pure, True, Best You

It’s Virgo Season, and this year, we’re giving it the attention it deserves. Virgo – Pure, True, Best You is a blog for everyone, not just Virgos. We all have Virgo in our...

How to Use a Photo Calendar to Manifest Dreams and Goals

Dream manifestation is about setting your intention and taking action towards your goal. It is a potent tool that can help you to create the life you desire. And what better way to...

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