This Black Friday, Imagine Life Without Shopping

The billboards, commercials, and emails will shout a simple premise today: Buy more stuff to live a happier life.We’ll be promised deals on electronics to upgrade our life, sales on clothes to become...

The Best Way to Deal with Dissatisfaction (It’s Not What You Think)

<!-- The Best Way to Deal with Dissatisfaction (It’s Not What You Think) - Tiny Buddha ...

I Cheated on Him with My Higher Self (and We’re Still Going Strong)

<!-- I Cheated on Him with My Higher Self (and We’re Still Going Strong) - Tiny Buddha ...

You Have Just Five Minutes Left to Live – What Are Your Deathbed Regrets?

<!-- You Have Just Five Minutes Left to Live - What Are Your Deathbed Regrets? - Tiny Buddha ...

11 Important Things I’ve Learned in 11 Years of Marriage

<!-- 11 Important Things I’ve Learned in 11 Years of Marriage - Tiny Buddha ...

12 Simple Ways to Create Good on the Internet

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”When we spend time on the Internet and our devices, we use our energy in one of two ways: creation or consumption.When we create,...

15 Cleaning Tasks to Teach Your Kids

“Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.” —Dalai Lama.The goal of parenting is to provide both roots and wings for your kids.Roots to know...

When the Founder of Amazon Encourages You to Stop Buying…

Recently, during an interview with CNN, Jeff Bezos recommended Americans “consider putting off buying big ticket items they’ve been eyeing.”The Founder of Amazon recommended “American households delay big-ticket purchases such as new TVs,...

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