3 Things That Turned My Suffering into Blissful Peace

<!-- 3 Things That Turned My Suffering into Blissful Peace - Tiny Buddha ...

Stay in the Right Lane: Let Yourself Slow Down and Enjoy Life

<!-- Stay in the Right Lane: Let Yourself Slow Down and Enjoy Life - Tiny Buddha ...

The 5 Happiness Zappers and What Helps Me Cope with Them

<!-- The 5 Happiness Zappers and What Helps Me Cope with Them - Tiny Buddha ...

80% Believe Money Will Make Them Happier. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.

Does money make us happy? The debate has raged for as long as I can remember.Some studies say no altogether.Other studies put a specific number of when money no longer contributes to happiness. But even...

Children’s Movies are Obsessed with Death, but Don’t Show Healthy Grief

<!-- Children’s Movies are Obsessed with Death, but Don’t Show Healthy Grief - Tiny Buddha ...

Why Minimalism is Especially Good for Introverts

Note: This is a guest post from Erica Layne of The Life On Purpose Movement.I discovered minimalism when my kids were young and my house was full of hand-me-downs I didn’t like and...

Encouraging Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. It requires a conscious decision because it is a countercultural lifestyle that...

How Will I Take Advantage of Today?

You and I are different, I’m sure, in countless ways:Our family, our upbringing, our location, our career, our passions, our hobbies, our goals. In many ways, we are different.But there is one...

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