15 Signs That Prove You Are A Natural Healer

Sharing is caring! Being a natural healer is to be extremely gifted and blessed. It could mean to be able to heal people's physical illnesses naturally or help them...

A Quick Way to Discover Your Personal Beliefs

Sharing is caring! It might seem like a strange question to ask, but I'm going to ask anyway: What personal beliefs do you hold about yourself? I'll give...

Kindness Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to put together some kindness quotes for you today as a lot of people think kind people are a a bit of a...

Strong Women Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to collect some strong women quotes for you today as I was reminded just how strong minded my wife is after speaking to...

Deep Quotes That Will Change Your View Of Life

Sharing is caring! I'd like to tell you a quick story about how a quote literally helped me change my life. About 14 years ago I started a...

Quotes About Hope That Might Just Change your Life

Sharing is caring! I would like to share some quotes about hope that will really lift you somehow, or break that cycle of thinking where you can't see...

Being Single Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to share some being single quotes with you today as I feel being single has a label attached to it that fosters a...

Some of Your Personal Beliefs Are Hundreds of Years Old

Sharing is caring! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRDG3oobdKk Welcome back to this series talking about your personal beliefs. Today I want to talk about the fact that some of your personal...

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