Quotes About Hope That Might Just Change your Life

Sharing is caring! I would like to share some quotes about hope that will really lift you somehow, or break that cycle of thinking where you can't see...

Being Single Quotes

Sharing is caring! I wanted to share some being single quotes with you today as I feel being single has a label attached to it that fosters a...

Some of Your Personal Beliefs Are Hundreds of Years Old

Sharing is caring! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRDG3oobdKk Welcome back to this series talking about your personal beliefs. Today I want to talk about the fact that some of your personal...

Why Your Beliefs Are Formed By Seven Years Of Age

Sharing is caring! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWorZVevp48 A lot of people ask me when I've done talks and seminars, when I've said most of your beliefs are formed by seven...

Discover My Limiting Beliefs

Sharing is caring! How do you discover your limiting beliefs? Spending a lot of time talking about this always brings up that inevitable question: We all have...

Unethical Life Hacks

Sharing is caring! We have all read about the life hacks that can change our lives. On the whole, the life hacks we read about are ethical....

This Man Grew Up Without A Father Has Gone Viral Teaching Kids How To Do Everyday Things

Sharing is caring! I seen this story being shown around the net and had to share it, it's very heartwarming and just makes you feel good about humanity....

Roberta Battaglia: This 10 Year Old Singer Was Crying With Nerves And Then She Started Singing

Sharing is caring! When 10 year old Roberta Battaglia first came on stage she was a quivering bag of nerves. At one point she was crying with nerves....

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