Blaze the Path to New Beginnings

There is something entrancing and mystical about a flame dancing and flickering, moving and swaying with the unseen currents in the air. Fire is vitality – it is the end and beginning of...

5 Ways to Dance with the Dark and Transform Your Life

Even here in sunny Southern California, we feel the autumn changes in the air, and that means Shadow Season for all of us who practice metaphysics and follow the Wheel of the Year....

Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos)

Imagine, for a moment, streets flooding with vibrant, painted faces, transformed into unique skulls, with colorful patterns, flowers, and jewels. The scent of copal incense and marigolds permeates the air, guiding spirits to...

Light, Love, Diwali

Under the darkness of the New Moon, the path to Ayodhya, an ancient city in India, is illuminated with candles, as people await their new king and queen. The 10-headed demon king is...

The Season of Seeds

November is the month of seeding, of literally harvesting and honoring seeds from the season before. Seeding honors the death of what was while tending the life of what will be. We seed...

Goddess Guide: 2 Ways to Experience More Peace in Your Daily Life

It’s no secret that life can be very difficult. Most of us are constantly juggling our need to survive with the equally deep drive to create and connect. In our efforts to do...

Hanukkah’s Light Ushers in the Holy-Day Season

Twenty-five-hundred years ago, a Jewish family witnessed a miracle while resisting their Syrian-Greek rulers. While re-sanctifying the desecrated Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Judah the Maccabee and his family had just enough olive oil...

Setting Your 2020 New Year’s Intentions

With the arrival of 2020, the winds of change carry in new hopes and dreams for the future. Our hearts are fluttering with both anticipation and trepidation. Like the Fool in the Major...

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