Connecting with Archangels in Real Time

Our daily lives are constantly filled with distraction. With so much technology, and literally, the world at our fingertips, we forget about spiritual nourishment. In a modern society where celestial beings seem like...

Looking for Love Where You May Not Have Looked Before

Have you ever felt as though you were looking for love in all the wrong places?Remember that song, Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places? I do. I was very young when Johnny...

3 Ways to Tend to Your Inner Fire

As the Wheel of the Year turns and brings us closer to Imbolc on February 1, we’re being reminded that these are the final days for rest and reflection. Now, in the Northern...

Pure Virgo Full Moon and the Color of Love

On March 9, we’ll celebrate the last full moon of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and Holi! In India, the lunar festival of Holi signifies the emergence of spring, beginning on this last...

Creating Your Own Ostara Spring Ritual Altar

Spring is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere and most of us feel the urge break into something new! While winter is traditionally a season of rest and retreat, spring is a time...

Events You Don’t Want To Miss

Here we go! It’s 2020 and we have a BIG year of astrology happenings to live through. This year brings an unusually high number of rare planetary transits that will definitely rock the...

Goddess Guide: Breathwork for Beginners

I’m a super-fan when it comes to breathwork – I LOVE it! To me, breathwork is as close as you can get to plant medicine-based journey work without taking anything, and can be...

Ostara – Let there be Light

Ostara & The Spring EquinoxSpring draws near, and with the vernal equinox comes Ostara, the goddess and patron deity of spring. She comes with her totem spirit, Rabbit, to bring renewal to the...

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