Stir Up Your Sacral Chakra and Get Creative

How are you feeling? Are you connected to the energies of the spring and the coming summer? Are you feeling alive? Possible? Sexy? A bit mischievous? Passionate? Are you sensitive to the gentle...

Cultivate the Magic in Children through Crystals and Mindfulness

This planet is truly a magical place and houses many worlds within it, waiting to be discovered and uncovered. As children, we’re way more open to those worlds although it may not be...

5 Ways to Honor, Heal, and Integrate the Divine Masculine

Father’s Day is approaching, and we have a wonderful opportunity to reflect on and reassess our relationship with the Divine Masculine. Here at Sage Goddess, we’re constantly talking about the Divine Feminine and...

Litha and Summer Solstice – Be Like the Sun

Summer’s almost here in the Northern Hemisphere, but with the national racism crisis in the US and the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, it doesn’t feel like a time to celebrate and say “yay, summer!”...

Understanding and Embracing Your Psychic Gifts

We all come here with gifts. For some, those gifts are expressed through writing, music, cooking, caretaking, healing, leadership, organizing, and more. Some of us have gifts in multiple areas while some of...

Uranus Retrograde 2020 and Uprooting Change

It’s that time again – for Uranus Retrograde. It happens every year for about five months, and when it does, we have extra leverage in freeing ourselves from old rules, ideas, and roles...

Mabon and the Fall Equinox

Between the global pandemic and social protests erupting across the world, this year has affected us all in ways we never expected. No one could have predicted we’d spend most of the year...

Spirit Creatures of the West

My personal experience with Spirit Animals has been through shamanic journey, and from their powerful presence as guardians of the gateways at the change of seasons. As the Wheel turns, seasonal transition can...

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