Mars and Venus – Love Immortal

When it comes to famous forbidden love affairs, Mars and Venus are right up there with Romeo and Juliet! Humans all share the desire to love and be loved, and we’ll do almost...

Sage Goddess 4 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra to Feel Grounded, Safe, and Stable

Safety, security, and stability. As human beings, these are things that we instinctively desire – things that are essential to our well-being and happiness. But what do these things look like to you?...

Ostara and Spring Equinox – Where Everything Begins

Ostara and the Spring EquinoxSpring draws near, and with the vernal equinox comes Ostara, goddess of the dawn and the symbol of the season’s fertile energy. She comes with her totem spirit, Rabbit,...

Sage Goddess Meditation for Beginners: 4 Simple Techniques

Meditation comes in different forms, and it takes time and patience to get into the groove. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not simply about emptying your mind, but finding a sense of...

Rise from the Ashes this Easter

I was raised in the Christian tradition, but Easter isn’t only for Christians. Easter is a celebration of rebirth, and after I was raised in the Christian tradition. I was taught that Easter...

Sage Goddess 5 Ways to Celebrate Beltane – The Inextinguishable Fire

No matter what’s going on in the world, it can never extinguish the fire of life. In fact, tough times can bring out the best in us if we’re up for the challenge....

Sage Goddess 5 Ways to Harness the Money Magic of 5/5

Did you know that 5/5 is one of the most powerful days for manifesting abundance? If you’ve been setting intentions for greater wealth and success, now’s the perfect time to propel your desires!...

Sage Goddess Honoring Our Gaia Cosmic Mother for Mother’s Day

For many, Mother’s Day is a challenging day as well as a day of beauty and remembrance. Mothering is the most complex task assigned to human beings because it requires a radical depth...

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