Sage Goddess Litha and Summer Solstice

Summer solstice, also known as Litha, is the longest day of the year, but it’s only the very beginning of the summer months with the hottest weather yet to come. Litha is one...

Sage Goddess Honoring our Solar Cosmic Father for Father’s Day

June 19 is Father’s Day, the traditional time to honor the father figures in our lives. Being and having a father can be wonderful, and also challenging. Many of us have lost our...

Sage Goddess Magical Moon Gardens and Growing by the Lunar Phases

I love the Moon AND my garden, and growing anything is linked with Luna and her phases. Planting by the Moon goes as far back as our roots on this planet. This blog...

Sage Goddess Color Magic 101

In the magical arts, we study the sacred correspondences or connections between colors, numbers, days of the week, signs of the zodiac, phases of the moon, and many other mundane facets of life...

Sage Goddess Honoring Lammas – The First Harvest

A Brief History of LammasIn Earth-based traditions, Lammas is usually celebrated on August 1, honoring the first harvest of the season. The days are starting to grow shorter, but the weather is at...

Sage Goddess Step Through the Lion’s Gate for Infinite Empowerment

Sirius – A Rising StarThe Lion’s Gate opens every year around July 26, activating a tremendous amount of star power energy. It reaches its peak on August 8 (8/8) and stays open until...

Sage Goddess Your Direct Connection to Source: The Crown Chakra

Have you ever simply “known” something that wasn’t a piece of knowledge you explicitly learned? Have you experienced the feeling of being connected to higher realms and your own divinity simply by falling...

Astrology and Uranus Retrograde 2022

Who cares if change is upsetting? Uranus sure doesn’t!Well – as an archetype Uranus just doesn’t give a f%&# and probably finds it quite hilarious that we try to predict the effect its...

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