Crystals for Your Inner Goddess
by Elina Allais (www.o-books.com)
Awaken Your Inner Goddess
Awakening your inner Goddess is like the blossoming of a beautiful flower. You cannot rush this process; it will happen naturally when the time is right. Just like the lotus flower, a symbol of purity, peace, and spiritual awakening, you too can rise from the mud and bloom into a beautiful Goddess. Always remember that you have the power within you to rise above suffering and reach a higher state of consciousness.
Although the transformation process can be extremely painful and difficult, it is essential for your spiritual growth, since it will shape you into the Goddess you are meant to be. When you look at all the hardships and challenges in your life as blessings in disguise, you will realize that everything happens for a reason, and that once you have pushed through the mud, your blossoming will be breathtakingly beautiful. Once your inner Goddess is in full bloom, you have truly stepped into your power and that is when you can begin manifesting anything your heart desires.
The simplest step you can take towards awakening your inner Goddess is to start doing the things that feed your inner fire. Each day, take some time to engage in activities that light the spark of creative inspiration in your soul — for instance, dancing, cooking, painting, singing or gardening. This helps you reconnect with your inner child — that innocent child within you, who still knows how to have fun and enjoy life. She might feel rejected; perhaps you have forgotten her and given her no time to relax and play? But you can always change that by re-engaging in your favorite childhood activities. The more you do the things that you are passionate about, the more your confidence and energy levels will rise, and each day you will begin to feel lighter and more fulfilled.
Another important step towards awakening your inner Goddess is transforming your home into a peaceful and beautiful sanctuary, where all your senses can rest, and where you feel completely safe and relaxed. If there are others sharing your home with you, try to create a sacred space for yourself, where you can light some candles, meditate, burn incense, and place your favorite crystals to fill it with uplifting energies. Your home should be a place where you pamper yourself and let your spirit run free.
Crystals help to create a nurturing and soul-soothing environment in your home. Their unique colors, shapes and sizes are beautiful to look at, and their subtle energies can help to enhance your well-being. Holding them in your hands or gazing at their vibrant colors helps to ignite your inner fire and unleash your creativity. Crystals remind you to take good care of yourself and to shower yourself with love and compassion. If you feel safe, peaceful, and completely free to be yourself in your home, you have created the right kind of environment for your inner Goddess to thrive.
Remember that all crystals can help you connect with your inner Goddess, so it doesn’t really matter which one you choose. Just listen to your gut instinct and go for the crystal that you feel the strongest pull towards. Trust that it will work its magic on you!
The Healing Power of Crystals
Crystals are not only beautiful, they also hold the powerful life force energy of Mother Earth. Placing crystals in your home space encourages mindfulness and helps you reach higher states of awareness, since each crystal has unique energetic properties and healing wisdom stored within its structure over long periods of time. This ancient wisdom and healing energy is now readily available to guide you on your soul path.
Most crystals radiate high-vibrational energies that speed up your spiritual growth and help to unlock your psychic abilities. The effect of crystals is never forceful or intrusive, on the contrary, their subtle energies adjust to your own unique energy, and have a very gentle effect on your mind, body and emotions. The vibrant colors of some crystals help to boost your vitality and energy levels, while the serene and calming energies of others help you relax and enhance your inner peace. Crystals can inspire you, guide you and show you where you are out of alignment with yourself. They help to unleash your creativity, so you can harness your unique talents and gifts to create beautiful works of art and breathe life into innovative projects. In addition to that, many crystals have potent manifestation properties, helping you attract your heart’s desires and turn your dreams into reality.
Crystals help you reconnect with the hidden parts of yourself; they can help you release deep-rooted fears and emotional trauma that might be holding you back from living your life to the fullest. They can soothe anxiety, relieve stress and help to mend a broken heart. They can offer you comfort during difficult times, and they can help to restore your faith in life, when you are finding it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They strengthen your spirit and uplift your mood by clearing away negative energy and infusing your body and mind with their positive vibrations. Their unique healing properties guide you towards self-love and self-acceptance, while soothing your emotional wounds and helping you to make peace with your past.
Crystals purify and strengthen your energy field and clear away toxic and stagnant energy from your system. When you are feeling lost and desperate, crystals can help to restore your sense of hope for a brighter future. They encourage you to surrender to the flow of life by bringing you clarity and peace of mind, inspiring you to trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. When you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, their grounding properties and stress-relieving energies help to bring your awareness back to the present moment, so you can focus on what’s important in the here and now.
Crystals can give your support when you are suffering from an illness or an addiction, by acting as natural anti-depressants that soothe your soul and help you to relax. They help you to break free from self-destructive patterns and end bad habits by filling you with a sense of confidence and courage to act and make the necessary changes. With their calming and purifying properties, crystals help to create a safe space for healing emotional trauma and deep inner wounds.
Crystals can inspire you to reconnect with your true nature and find your direction and purpose in life. They help to uplift your energy and expand your mind, so you can tap into your limitless soul power and create the life of your dreams.
Within each woman there is a Goddess waiting to bloom. How can crystals help you connect with you inner Goddess so that you can transform your life for the better?
Crystals for Your Inner Goddess combines energetic healing properties of crystals with personal growth insights. You will learn how to use crystals to awaken and maintain your inner Goddess powers – to uplift, inspire, nurture and heal yourself. From heartbreak and rejection to reaching a place of self-love, higher awareness and fulfillment, crystals help you step into your power and attract abundance, success, true love or anything else your heart desires.
This book features beautiful photos of crystals and simple crystal rituals to enhance your emotional well-being and inner peace.
Crystals for Your Inner Goddess by Elina Allais is available from www.o-books.com or from wherever books are sold.
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