How Do Western Practitioners Use Acupuncture for Healing?
When you have health problems, prevailing wisdom says the best way to recover is to take medicine. Acupuncture might not be the first thing that comes to your mind, but that doesn’t erase the efficacy of this complementary medicine technique. Westerners are slowly accepting its healing effects.
Westerners on Acupuncture
In the West, acupuncture falls under the category of alternative medicine. In 2021, only 9% of U.S. adults had used acupuncture to treat their health problems. Herbal medicine, essential oils and yoga have gained more renown in wellness treatment. Many people may feel hesitant to engage in acupuncture due to a fear of needles or the possible pain of using them.
There is increasing interest now, especially as some reputable health care organizations recommend alternative medicine or offer it as part of their services. Still, most people combine acupuncture with mainstream treatment rather than relying on it as a stand-alone treatment.
Acupuncture Techniques
Acupuncture, which originated in China thousands of years ago, involves inserting thin needles into strategic areas of the body. Modern practitioners use disposable sterilized needles.
The Western approach to acupuncture also departs from the Chinese philosophy of rebalancing a patient’s life force. Instead, it focuses more on the scientific side of stimulating the nervous system, muscles and connective tissue, which has led to the development of more refined methods such as electroacupuncture. It uses a machine that passes a small electric current through the needle to efficiently shift your sensitivity to pain.
How Acupuncture Heals
Western acupuncture can effectively heal specific ailments and improve your wellness.
1. Musculoskeletal Pain
Acupuncture can relieve chronic pain in your back, neck, hips and feet. However, while it is a remedy, it is not a permanent cure. A 2023 study found that it can reduce pain perception by 43% in patients. Further research is necessary to confirm the findings.
Following this train of thought, acupuncture could help you manage other forms of discomfort. For instance, tooth extraction and other dental procedures create lingering pain. Applying alternative medicine may ease the inflammation and improve blood flow for healing.
2. Nausea and Vomiting
Many conditions cause nausea and vomiting, from morning sickness to migraines. Advanced medical solutions like anesthesia and chemotherapy can also make people nauseated. Thankfully, alternative medicine can ease the discomfort.
Candidates must meet specific criteria, like not having an active infection. Nevertheless, acupuncture can effectively improve nausea and vomiting, even in pregnant and pediatric patients.
3. Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental health disorders that make daily life challenging. While these conditions usually respond well to a combination of psychotherapy, medication and lifestyle changes, acupuncture can also serve as a complementary treatment.
Acupuncture’s restorative nature may translate into improved energy levels. The needling process stimulates the nervous system to produce serotonin and induce relaxation.
The ability to calm your mind can also be helpful with other conditions like migraine and tension headaches. Increasing stress relievers and minimizing pain will elevate your quality of life and make you more resilient against specific triggers.
4. Immune System
A robust immune system is paramount to maintaining your health and well-being. It’s your body’s first line of defense against germs and viruses. A study found that acupuncture helps enhance immune function against immunosuppressive diseases like cancer, which stops the immune system from responding.
Autoimmune diseases act differently, as they direct the immune system to attack the organs and tissues instead. The same research notes that acupuncture can assist with restoring your normal immune tolerance to avoid further deterioration.
5. Bowel Movement
Constipation is a form of gastrointestinal distress that can cause lingering bloating, cramping and nausea. Acupuncture may boost your stool frequency and relieve constipation symptoms.
Acupuncture might also realign your digestion patterns. Granted, further research is necessary to determine how effective this remedy is in improving how quickly food moves through your digestive tract. There are also questions surrounding the frequency or duration of treatment.
Should You Get Acupuncture?
The Western approach to acupuncture may pique your interest in trying it. However, proceed carefully, especially if it’s your first time. Seek a qualified and licensed practitioner to treat you.
It’s also wise to ask your doctor about their professional knowledge of alternative medicine. They will likely recommend a different approach if you have an active infection, a bleeding disorder or a metal allergy.
A growing body of evidence suggests acupuncture is an effective alternative medicine for numerous ailments, from muscle relief to immune strengthening. More research is necessary to confirm its efficacy, but it may be worth a try.