Your home is your very own safe haven. You have the living room to relax and entertain guests, the kitchen to enjoy whipping up healthy meals, and your bedroom to sleep and wind down after a long day, among others.
Depending on the style and size of your home, some properties have even more extra room and features. One of those is a meditation room.
While not many households have one, those who live a Zen and healthy lifestyle are now considering the possibility of having a meditation room, as they would like a small gym area.
As its name implies, it’s that space in your home that’s dedicated to your me time to have peace, quiet, and meditation.
One may face many obstacles when trying to meditate, one of which is not being able to focus, as there are distractions in the room. To prevent this from happening, having a well-designed and well-thought-out meditation room is the key.
In this article, you’ll have a comprehensive guide on how you can create your very own meditation room. You won’t ever have to leave your home again to meditate.
Choose the Right Pillows
No meditation room will ever be complete without the right pillows. As you prepare to have your meditation room, you must start searching for and thinking of what pillows to have so you’re certain you’re making the right choice. This isn’t a decision that can be made lightly, given that there are so many pillows in the market to choose from.
Since this room is for your meditation, the pillows you wind up buying should be the best for your overall health and wellness. Aim to have pillows made from natural materials, such as buckwheat filled meditation pillow. They’re as comfortable as they’re good for your health.
While they may be quite on the more expensive price point, many reasons make the price all worth it. A few reasons include that they’re moldable, allergy-free, and they also offer good muscle support.
Choose Soothing Colors
White is a no-fail paint option but it may lack the character and feel of a relaxing space. White may be too plain but also too harsh on the eyes when it’s just that: a plain and boring white space.
Instead of opting for plain white, neutral colors are a good choice. Imagine those paint colors you usually see in massage parlors and resorts. Stay away from bright colors, as those are too harsh on the eyes, giving off the opposite of what a relaxing space should be like.
Most importantly, don’t forget to consider your personal preference. Different individuals have their own choice as to colors that make them feel relaxed. Neutral shades are calming, but others may feel like they’re cocooned in a safe space with dark colors.
Choose Light and Natural Fabrics
The fabrics you select for your meditation room should complement your chosen paint colors. As much as possible, go for light, natural, and neutral fabrics. They complete that whole spa-like feel you’ll want to be after.
The best types of light and natural fabrics to have, are linen, bamboo, organic cotton, and silk.
Pay attention to small details, like making sure the curtain rods match and that your curtains are enough to provide the privacy you need in your meditation space.
Remember that this is that space where you should feel safe enough for some quiet time without fear of the kids peeking or any other household member distracting you.
Bring in Lots of Natural Light
Natural light is a big factor in helping those who meditate feel grounded, focused, and awake. There’s nothing like the stress-relieving power and other adjoining benefits that natural light can bring.
As much as you can, allow natural light to come through. When the light gets too bright or overwhelming, that’s where your linen curtains come into the picture to give you a bit of refuge.
There are two main ways to equip your home with more natural light. First is by having floor-to-ceiling windows if it’s possible. Another option is to have skylights or roof windows.
It allows natural light to flow through your meditation room to keep your meditation room budget-friendly. When the light is good and friendly enough to keep the windows as they are, you won’t have to keep as many lights switched on for your meditation room.
Incorporate Concentration in Your Interior Design
While you may want to DIY your meditation room, there are some aspects to it where it may be worth hiring an interior designer. One of those is by ensuring you have a few design elements here and there, which are proven to help increase the space’s ability to keep you focused.
For example, many homeowners swear by mini gardens and bonsai trees in their meditation rooms. If space for a small garden isn’t possible, you can have plants instead. Or, you can also opt for a water feature like a fountain. There’s nothing more relaxing than the sound of flowing water from your fountain, even if you’re only in an indoor space.
Make Your Meditation Room Sacred
Making your meditation room sacred doesn’t necessarily mean associating it with any form of religion. You don’t need to abide by a religion or faith preference to meditate if that’s not your cup of tea. Making your space sacred means maintaining the sanctity, peace, and quietness in your room.
Even the most well-decorated meditation room will lose its relaxing feel if it’s messy. Say, for instance, you have young kids at home. Make it known to them that the decorative items in the meditation room aren’t toys.
You can also avoid mess and clutter by cleaning up after every use.
You can’t focus on meditating when there’s so much visual nuisance around. Having a clean space is key to enjoying a more profound ability to focus. If your environment is clean, it’s easier for your mind to relax and focus on meditation rather than be distracted by all the mess around you.
Embrace the Power of Plants
Plants are no longer just for the outdoors. Recently, many homeowners have started to embrace the power of plants by bringing them inside their homes.
Plants have the power to make a space look more relaxing. And, what better place to put those plants than in your meditation room.
First off, you’ll want to enjoy the health benefits plants bring. There are air purifying plants, so you don’t have to put a purifying machine in your meditation room.
Regarding the design, plants can breathe life into an otherwise empty space. Even when your design facets may be minimal, plants impact your meditation room and can make it look cozier and more put-together.
Choose Wood for Your Floors
In keeping with the natural vibe in your home, you may want to consider having hardwood for your floors. They’re more comfortable to step on when you’re on your bare feet, in comparison to colder types like floor tiles, hardwood may feel warmer.
Design-wise, wood for your flooring is another sneaky way to make your meditation room feel larger and airier while not losing the whole cozy feeling. Rugs would also be a nice addition to your bare floors to make your meditation room feel and look more defined and intentional.
Introduce Soothing Scents
Say, you’ve had a long day at work, and you’re just looking forward to coming home to a relaxing space. You can soothe your mind by introducing fragrances into your meditation room. Choose calming scents or those that suit your fancy.
If you’re into the whole essential oils craze, you can mix different oils for the fragrance you desire in your room. Or, you can also use reed diffusers.
Candles are great, too, but that’s only for as long as you don’t get nervous and agitated about the open flames. Otherwise, if you’re constantly watching the flame, nervous about a possible fire, you’re doing the opposite of what meditating should feel like.
Whichever route you choose, it does make a significant difference in your meditation room when you have scents promoting relaxation and peace. Jasmine and lavender, for instance, are no-fail scent choices that are perfect for meditation rooms.
Say No to Technology
Your meditation isn’t the place for you to have a television, unlike in your gym. Remember, your purpose for staying in the room is for some peace. Immersing yourself in your gadgets may take you away from that feeling.
If you have technology in your meditation room, perhaps keep it limited only to speakers. With that, you can play music to help set the mood for meditating. Skip the television, as that may only be a temptation for you to watch TV while you’re in your meditation room.
Play Music, If Needed
While this doesn’t mean you’re limited only to chants, for instance, it also helps to have a sound system set up to play music when you need it. As mentioned in the section above, the only exception to the general rule on not using technology at all in the room should be when you’re playing music.
Choose the genre of music that helps you focus on meditation. This can be classical music, sounds of nature, or any other type of music for that matter.
Music also helps in instances when your mind is particularly cluttered or when, despite choosing the quietest parts of your home, you can still hear noise from outside your door.
Choose the Quietest Area in Your Home
If you have multiple extra rooms to choose from in your home, choose an area with the least foot traffic. Otherwise, there’ll be so much noise around your meditation room, a situation that can affect your ability to focus.
The best room in your home to transform into your meditation area is the one that’s the most secluded and the quietest. You wouldn’t have to worry about the noise coming from the outside.
Of course, this can easily be remedied by soundproofing your meditation room. But, if that’s too expensive to do, you can scrap that cost by being very thorough and intentional with your chosen room by selecting a very quiet area.
Stay away from the kitchen, where cooking can be noisy. Or the living room, where the kids may have the television on too loud.
Most of all, choose the area in your home that’s not just the quietest but also the one which inspires you the most. For example, is there that room in your home you’re most drawn to escaping after a long day? Or, perhaps there’s a room with the best view of your property?
If such exists on top of being the quietest areas, that’s a bonus factor. Choose that area, too, so your meditation space is also that one that gives you the best positive feelings out of all the other rooms in your home.
Amp Up the Coziness
You have the pillows done and dusted, don’t forget the seating options. While you may want to avoid big and bulky furniture that eats up a lot of your center space, having a few comfortable couches positioned against the wall or a window is still a good idea.
Picture soft, fluffy couches instead of stiff ones like a leather sofa. Then, amp up the coziness by adding throw pillows and a blanket.
Meditation should be comfortable. You don’t have to feel like you’re stuck on a stiff and hard floor when doing your exercises when you can keep yourself comfortable with rugs, pillows, and a nice couch.
The Bottomline
Picture this out, you have a clean and relaxing home. On top of that, you have a specific room dedicated to healing the body, mind, and soul.
Your meditation room is that space where you feel tranquil and relaxed. There’s no rush of the day, no clutter, and little to no visual nuisance.
You have the peace you so badly need when you’re in that room. Whether what you’re working with is a small or a big space, the tips above can now help it be possible for you to have your meditation room at home.
Meditating is something you can commit to doing when you no longer have to worry about beating the traffic or traveling far to reach your studio. There’s nothing else like the comfort of being right at home.