In the video podcast above, you can watch Dr. Matthew Welsh J.D., Ph.D (Spiritual Media Blog) and Stephen Paul Chong, M.Ed. (https://www.stephenchong.com.au/) as they discuss the majesty of the ‘Laws of Heaven and Earth’ .
These (15) Laws of Heaven and Earth were serendipitously discovered embedded in the text of Stephen’s book, The Afterlife, a journey to: Now you know what will happen and are presented to us as a gift from the heavenly realms.
“The words and stories in ‘The Afterlife’ are not mine – but I know for certain they are a gift from a divine source working in our favour.”
S. P. Chong (2023)
Stephen and Matthew discuss these Laws of Heaven and Earth, and how they provide a clear pathway to a richer, more fulfilling life – in this life and the eternal next, e.g.,
Law # 3: “What you have caused to effect in your fellow man is what declares your place in heaven.”
Law # 7: “In your life review, all shall be revealed. No thought or action insignificant. All remembered to record.”
If, by using these ‘Laws’, you seek to change for the better your life and circumstances of the people who cross your path, then so much the better. If enough people do the same then the world becomes a preferred place and the individual has fulfilled their divine purpose, both in the here and the eternal hereafter.
Come on this profound journey with Matthew and Stephen as they unravel these mysteries, and how, by embedding these laws into our lives, we make this life and the eternal hereafter a much-better-place.
About the Author
Stephen Paul Chong M.Ed. is the author of The Afterlife, a journey to: Now you know what will happen. Stephen is a Far North Queensland, Australian-based author who draws his inspirations from life’s themes that relate to us all – love, grief, struggle, overcoming obstacles. Culminating in his six inspirational novels, feature-film screenplays, and multiple short-stories, he has converted these ‘life themes’ into stories that we can all relate to. Stephen’s expertise of balancing modern work practices with personal life provides unique insights that make life, and life in the hereafter, a much better place.
The Laws of Heaven and Earth are available as a free download from Stephen’s blogsite:
‘The Afterlife, a journey to’ is available from https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/6th-books/our-books/afterlife-journey-what-will-happen and from wherever books are sold.
You can read the transcript from a sample of the Interview with Stephen Paul Chong M.Ed. below.
- Tell us about ‘The Afterlife, a journey to’. Why did you write it?
‘The Afterlife’ was a book written after a very profound spiritual awakening experience (I fell 15 feet off a ladder and fractured my neck). Having retired from the writing process prior to the accident, the incident completely changed the direction and purpose of my life.
During my rehabilitation the urge to write the book became a profound choice, with the title swirling around in my head, but no knowledge or understanding of ‘what happens after we die’. It was like, ‘The Afterlife’ … what do I know?’ It was from this point that everything evolved.
The writing process was truly remarkable. I had no storyboard, no character development, no knowledge of what to write, BUT, every time I sat to write it was like taking dictation. I was taken on a journey into the heavenly realms where, through the eyes of the main character, I was shown many different levels of heaven. I heard the music, saw the colours, and listened to the dialogue. It was like being taken on a scenic railway tour of the heavenly realms… and I was just taking dictation.
- Embedded in the text of ‘The Afterlife’ there is a list of (15) Laws of Heaven & Earth. What are these ‘LAWS’ and where do you think they originated?
The discovery of these ‘Laws’ happened about 3 months after the book had been written (and was in the editing process) – where I must have read it 100 times prior. I had this voice in my head saying, ‘You’ve missed something, read it again.’
This time, to my amazement, it was as if the ‘Laws’ were identified with a highlighter pen. I saw them clearly…
These ‘Laws’, I believe, are a gift from the heavenly realms. They are like guiding lights, which, when followed, make this life and the eternal next, a much better place. They act in a similar way to our Values in that they directly impact our behaviour and beliefs. The consequences from which profoundly affect what happens when we pass to the next life.
For example, “What you have caused to effect in your fellow man is what declares your place in heaven.”
- Tell me more about these laws, how have you been able to integrate them into your life and how have they helped you?
Six months ago, I lost my beautiful mother to the heavenly realms – so what I have been blessed to learn from the messages of ‘The Afterlife’ has now become entirely experiential. I know exactly where she has gone (in the heavenly realms), I know exactly where to find her (in my heart), and whilst her physical presence is no longer here, I know (both through understanding and experience) how to connect with the angel that she is. Yes, there is still grief, but it is not debilitating. Rather, it is uplifting and dynamic.
‘The Afterlife’ for me, has also stripped away fear. Now that I’m within the sunset of my life, the approaching transition becomes one of anticipation, rather than dread. It becomes an embrace, rather than trepidation.
- One of the laws talks about a life review*, what exactly is a life review?
“Law #7 – “In your (life) review, all shall be revealed. No thought or action insignificant. All remembered to record.”
I understand that everything we do (actions), say, and think (thought is the creative power of the universe) is remembered in the (Akashic) records and used as the basis to declare our place in heaven.
What I saw, when writing the book, was we ALL pass through these ‘mists’ in which this ‘review’ is undertaken. IMPORTANTLY, this is NOT God’s judgement. We examine, ‘What we have done’, ‘What we have failed to do’, and ‘What we have caused to effect in others by our actions’.
Based on this ‘review’, we exit these mists dressed in the colours of robes that declare our pathway into the heavenly realms. This pathway is uniquely ours to follow, (and other souls, upon seeing these robes, know exactly what we need).
*If this ‘law’ does not give pause to any thoughts or actions of hate, malice, revenge, etc., I don’t know what will…..
Law #4: “We are all one in spirit – what you have done to another, you do to yourself.”
- The laws also talk about reaping what you sow, how can we use that law in our life today? How have you used that law in your life?
This is the same as biblical text (Galatians 6:7)
To me, this profoundly states that there is ‘no escape’. We cannot obfuscate, ignore, or sweep aside what we have done with intent… all shall be revealed. For me, this gives pause to any errant actions, words, or thoughts. Think before acting/saying/even thinking.
A good question becomes: “Does this thought serve me well?”
It also gives rise to a wider perspective. How am I looking at this person/situation? If we look through the prism of love, how will this change the experience?
- The first law is “Fear not, you are never without the love of the Father.” How can we experience that love when we are feeling disconnected or overwhelmed with worldly responsibility?
To know that we are NEVER separate from the divine hand (read, God, Goddess, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha) is such a blessing. To know that we can ALWAYS call upon Him, whatever the situation. Once open to the touch of the divine hand, this also means that we must ‘listen’ for the answer… the guidance that will come.
In ‘The Afterlife’, the main character, Athar, was stuck in his purgatory by virtue of his guilt, shame, and anger he felt (towards himself and others). He was unable to ‘see the light’ that was there with him. When able to forgive himself and others, this was the key that unlocked the doorway to the higher levels of the heavenly realms.
- There are a lot of people feeling anxious or afraid about our world today, especially with wars in Israel and Palestine and Ukraine and Russia. How can we use your laws to deal with that anxiety?
Recently, I got a message (from spirit) that one of my distant family members was in a great deal of trouble. On a physical level I knew there was absolutely nothing I could do, BUT, on a spiritual level there was plenty.
I sat in mediation and held this person to heart. I sent him love. I felt that love wrap him in a warm blanket and called upon the angels to help him. I then asked, ‘Is there more that I can do?’ The answer, I received was, ‘No. Jobs right.’
Let us apply the same principles on a global scale. If collectively, you, I, and many others send ‘love’ to these places of war and conflict… then with a little bit of luck, and the lotta love, let us see what a difference it makes.
Love is never wasted.