By Janet Weissman
Good Morning DearHearts,
Through the very many years I have been on this spiritual journey I have become the recipient of hundreds of spiritual or uplifting emails and articles. I have read them and many were discarded but a multitude of others were placed in folders with titles such a “writing ideas” or “good stuff”.
What happened after the initial approval of the content was exactly as one might imagine. The folders found their way into boxes with newspapers (yes newspapers) and magazines (yes magazines) that also contained valuable possibilities for writing and teaching.
Fast forward to now. I have noticed these boxes hanging out in the corners of my office, what could be in them I wonder because I had forgotten what treasures were hidden there. I was ready to designate the box to the shredding pile, but decided to first look within. So many beautiful emails from those no longer in this physical world who once thought the sweetness of a certain message was meant for me to have. As I continue to look and read the stories, prayers and poems that came from an era of fading ink I am finding many inspirations for new blog posts and memories of the senders.
I have written about clutter in the past and have classified it not only the papers that inhabit flat surfaces but mostly it’s the old thoughts within our mind. How do I classify these “treasures”? Is this actually clutter or should I call it forgotten research?
I often explain how much God loves all of us by saying, “If God has a refrigerator, your picture is on it.” I remembered that awareness came in the form of an email. I did not remember from whom or when. That question was answered. It was back in 2003 from a student/teacher, Lera. It was part of a longer email with a spiritual story titled “The Brick”. So many uplifting stories to share.
On this archeological expedition of papers I uncovered so many reasons to get back to writing and sending more blog posts. I do remember receiving emails on a regular basis that contained inspiring stories or list of wise sayings. Somehow my “inbox” now mostly is filled by charities and political contestants needing donations or petitions to sign. Of course there are the occasional notifications for sales for anything from shoes to appliances.
I do enjoy the trivia emails but even those are becoming too numerous each day.
I actually miss the emails that served as a way to connect or keep in touch, much like letters and greeting cards once were. I must admit I do have a few ancient birthday cards tucked away as keepsakes. When I happen upon them and see signatures of loved ones passed it brings back fond moments from long ago. I would never classify these as clutter.
The definition of clutter must be updated to exclude those pieces of paper that hold remembrances of loved ones past. It still is the unworthy thoughts in the mind that take up space but offer nothing of value in return.
I will not be keeping EVERY piece of the archeological paper dig, but there are certainly some notes of note that will continue to be “good stuff”.
How much “clutter” do you have filed away that would be lovely to revisit?
Janet Weissman
@janetweissman – YouTube
Janet Weissman Bio
Janet was introduced to A Course in Miracles in 1991 and it quickly became a major part of her life.
She has led weekly ACIM groups since 1998. She currently has two weekly groups meeting on Zoom . There is also one in-person group meeting in Wilton Manors, Florida every other week at The Pride Center.
Janet records the daily lesson from the ACIM Workbook on YouTube. She is currently in her fourth year of recordings. You can find her at @janetweissman
In 2020 she published her first book, “Good Morning DearHearts” which is still available on Amazon or her website JanetWeissman.com She is currently ready to publish again with a flip book of affirmations. It’s titled “Wisdom with a Twist”
Janet schedules sessions with clients for either spiritual counsel or simply to go deeper into their own spiritual practice with individual guidance, or reiki.
She can be contacted at