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Love says… – Spiritual Media Blog

Love says… – Spiritual Media Blog

By Randi Suskin

_   The ego doesn’t exist when we aren’t thinking about it._

_   The flow of love_

_   the beautiful feelings_

_   the peace_

_   the calm_

_   the perfect pace of life_

_   never goes anywhere_

_   It is continually_

_   constantly_

_   lovingly_

_   with arms open wide_

_   the truth_

_   behind all things._


Dear Beautiful Readers,

I would like to briefly comment on what was written means to me, and how I apply it to my life.

Most mornings before my meditation I journal to love with the question…

‘What is the message you most want me to hear today?’

And I listen.

I am filled with gratitude as I hear and share the truths that come forth which are valuable, simple, and trustworthy…beyond measure.

Unfailingly, they come back to love.

A few years after my sister passed, she came to me in a visitation.

She said to me in a way which seemed like it was both with and without words,

“Ran, all this stuff here, the drama, that’s not it. Only love is real.”

She did not know that when she was in form, but I know she knows it now.

Therefore, so do I.

Love has become my teacher, my closest friend, and as much I am able to listen at any given point, my comfort, my source of wisdom, joy, peace, and clarity.  

It is only love’s direction I most want to follow.

The more I listen, the better life gets.

We are divinely engineered so beautifully.

It says in A Course in Miracles –

‘Love created me like itself.” 

We are being asked to reach beyond the mind sets, the images and preconceptions about ourselves and others, to our True Selves…our Radiant Selves…our Loving Selves.

We are being asking to trust what emanates from our True Selves, a never changing love, and to listen to the voice of our Soul.

Goethe has been quoted as saying,

“When you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

Maybe it is possible to more readily let go of the things, the thoughts that don’t feel good, and aren’t helpful.

The feeling will tell us everything we need to know. 

I am finding the value of living life with more presence, moving forward in flow, and the knowing love is walking with me every step of the way, to be immeasurable.

Some other questions I ask myself on any given day are…

Am I in my ego, or am I in my soul?

I ask my heart…

What is it you would most have me see right now?

Is it possible that who we really are is entirely comprised of complete and total love?

The path of love is always waiting patiently for us to step back onto it.

That is the one I choose. 

With a heart filled with love & gratitude,



Randi Suskin is an Advanced Certified Life Coach, and both student and teacher of A Course in Miracles. She specializes in one-on-one coaching, facilitates workshops, and a weekly Course in Miracles study group on zoom. Randi has been dedicated to the study of spiritual  teachings for over 33 years. Her certifications are from the
Foundation of Holistic Coaching. She has completed Dr. Robert Holden’s professional life coach trainings, as well as his Success Intelligence and Spiritual Resilience Masterminds. She is presently very much enjoying working with her current mentor, world-renowned  transformational coach Michael Neill. Her Bachelor of Science degree
is in Psychology. Learn more by visiting her website LifeCoachingByRandi.com or Life Coaching By Randi on FB.

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