Sometimes, all we really need is to be seen. It can be lonely living without any kind of recognition or feeling valued by others. So when one man stopped by a stall with a talented artist and offered him more than a commission, it was a life-changing moment.
A Random Surprise
In Calgary, Alberta, a young man named Riley sells art on the sidewalk across from a shopping plaza. He spray paints canvases and asks buyers to offer whatever they feel the paintings are worth.
One day, a popular social media user named RonGives stopped by. He asked how much Riley wanted for a painting and then offered $20. Riley gladly accepted, but Ron surprised him by telling him he could keep the money.
“Sell it to someone else, Brother. I respect what you’re doing. It’s beautiful art,” Ron said. He then told Riley he’d return with a surprise and asked if he wanted something to drink.
Ron went to the dollar store, where he bought Riley a few canvases, a couple of bottles of water and a bottle of pop. He returned and gave a teary-eyed Riley another $20.
A Life-Changing Moment
“Thank you, you’re the best. This means a lot to me,” Riley said in a raspy voice, taking off his sunglasses upon Ron’s return. “You don’t know what you’ve done for me.”
Ron simply asked for a handshake and a hug in return, which Riley quickly gave him in the heartfelt video.
“What you’ve done, you’ve changed my life,” Riley explained. “You made my year. You made me feel so good; you made me feel like I have value.”
“You do, Brother,” Ron replied. “Look what you’re doing, man. You’re very talented.”
Riley went in for another handshake and called Ron the best human he’d ever met.
“I love you. You make me want to love myself,” he said.
Feeling Seen
While Riley certainly appreciated the money Ron gave him and probably also enjoyed having some cold water on a hot day, Ron’s real gift was seeing and appreciating this struggling artist.
So often, we go about our busy lives without really considering our fellow humans and what they might be going through. But much of the time, people are going through things we cannot see. Stopping to speak to someone on the street, chatting with a vendor selling their fare, or spending time with a senior can make a big difference in their day.
After all, we all deserve to be seen and appreciated in life. It’s important to take the time to recognize and connect with our fellow humans. Yes, life gets busy, but what’s life without human connection? Sometimes, you just have to make the time, and you’ll be amazed at how your own sense of self and purpose may skyrocket, too.
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