Sorting out your life after you have lost a loved one is a whole challenge in itself. There is so much that needs to be done and the list keeps on increasing. You need to arrange a funeral, hold a memorial service and so much more. In the midst of all the commotion, your heart is broken and you are grieving so managing things get more difficult than it already is.
During this tough time, you have been at the receiving end of unlimited support and love from your friends, family, and acquaintances. Now that everything is over and things are starting to fall back in order, it might the time to show these people who supported you your gratitude. You can thank them for standing by you and helping you navigate these uncharted waters by sending them a Thankyou Note.
If you do not know how to write a thank you note or if you are confused about what to write inside the note, read this guide throughout. We will cover everything in steps so that it is easier for you to understand.
How To Start A Funeral Thank You Note
Before starting on what to write in a thank you note, you have to consider three things:
- The Purpose
- The Receiver
- The Medium
Purpose Of The Funeral Thank You Note
The purpose of the thank you note is to show those people who went out of their way to support you in your tough times.
The Receiver Of The Funeral Thank You Note
While you do not have to send a thank you note to everyone for their condolences, it is a tradition to at least send a funeral thank you note to those who went the extra mile. These can be the people who sent Sympathy or Funeral flowers.
The Medium Of Funeral Thank You Note
It is best to give these notes out personally but if you do not have the time or the energy, you can mail them or choose a medium that suits you the best.
Graceful Messages To Write In A Funeral Thank You Note
If you do not have the energy to think about something to write in the thank you note, you can choose a message from this list of these graceful messages.
Thank you for the donation in [name]’s honor. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are much appreciated by the entire family
I am so appreciative of your generosity. Thank you for caring so much about [name] and our family
Your words were so kind and very much appreciated in these tough times. You are such a thoughtful friend
Thank you for the generous contribution. It made a world of difference, and having your support helped us through this difficult time
Thank you so much for the generous donation. That was very kind of you, and we are so grateful to have you in our lives
I honestly can’t say thank you enough. Your generous donation has truly helped lift a burden off our shoulders
It was so thoughtful of you to think of me during my time of sadness. Your sympathy card and kind words of condolence are of great comfort to me as I grieve my Father’s death
Thank you for your sympathy card and flowers. We are deeply touched by your words of condolence and are thankful that you are there for us at this difficult time
Thank you so much for the condolences. We truly appreciated the warm words of comfort
Thank you for your sympathy during our time of loss. Your kind words are of great comfort to us as we try to come to terms with our daughter’s death
Thank you for sharing in the celebration of [name]’s life. Our whole family appreciates the support
To remember our Mom in such a heartwarming way was so appreciated by the entire family. Thanks for your support
Thank you for your attendance. It was a great way to memorialize _____’s life
Our family is humbled and grateful for your support during [Name’s] funeral
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts
Thanks for visiting after [Name’s] passing. Sometimes the simplest things mean the most
Your kindness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. The [Family Name]
Thank you for attending _____’s funeral. It meant so much for us to see you there
We are grateful to have had you there to honour _____’s life
Funeral Thankyou Notes For Receiving Flowers
Most probably you will have to write more than one funeral thank you note for receiving flowers because flowers are something people bring a lot to someone’s house who has passed away. Flowers convert their sympathy in a way that words fail to do so. You can write the following messages in your thank you note.
Our whole family thanks you for the special funeral flower arrangement that you sent. It was one of our favourites and helped to brighten our day
[Name] would have loved your flowers, they were perfect. Thank you so much for such a beautiful contribution
Your flowers brought light into a very difficult time. Thank you for your love and support through everything
Thank you for the glorious flower arrangement you sent for Name’s funeral. It brightened up our home for many days after the event
Our whole family thanks you for the special funeral flower arrangement that you sent
Thank you for the beautiful flowers you sent and for your good wishes during this difficult time
Funeral Thank You Notes For Receiving Help
Help comes in all shapes and sizes. No matter how big or small, always remember the people who offered to help you take care of your everyday chores while you grieve. It can be help in taking care of your pets or looking after the children. Or it can be help in some routine matters. Thank the people who offered you their help by using the following words.
Your support means the world to us. Thanks for helping us plan the funeral
Thank you so much for helping to walk our dog [Name], during these difficult times. We wouldn’t have managed without you
We want to Thank You for helping to lift the kids to and from school. Your help and support were overwhelming and we cannot thank you enough
We appreciate your kind words and thoughtfulness during this difficult time. Please keep our Mother in your thoughts and prayers
We cannot thank you enough for helping with the shopping while we were focused on Name’s funeral plans. It was such a relief not to worry about keeping the pantry stocked during this difficult time
Our family would like to thank you for helping prepare the house all week. Love You
They might have helped you with the funeral arrangements, Show your gratitude by using these lines:
Your help in organizing the funeral was unsurpassed. Thank you very much for all you did, we cannot thank you enough
As a family, we would like to thank you for all your help during Name’s funeral. We would not have coped without you and it was wonderful to have your support
Thank you so much for sending dinner to our home! It was a blessing to have one less meal to prepare during this busy and challenging time
Thank you for the help, work, and organizing you did for Name’s funeral service. In our bereaved state, we would not have managed without you
Our family is grateful for your support throughout this difficult time
Funeral Thank You Notes For Receiving Monetary Help
Some people might have gone out of their way and sent you donations or money to help with the funeral services. Even though money is not everything and it will not bring your loved one back, it will ease out the funeral service. It might have made you uncomfortable, but accept the help you receive with a mind to reciprocate someday. While writing a funeral thank you not for receiving monetary help, it is ideal to not mention the amount.
Thank you for your thoughtful gift of money. It will go a long way towards helping the family in these difficult times
Thank you so much for your generous assistance
Thank you for your donation to the Name Charity on behalf of Name. He/she was very involved with their work, and your thoughtful donation will go a long way to continuing this work
This gift will come in handy in paying funeral expenses
Thank you for the donation in [name] ‘s honor
Your financial support meant so much to my family
Thank you for the amazing donation
Thank you for your thoughtfulness at this challenging time
I honestly can’t say thank you enough
I am so grateful for your generosity
Funeral Thankyou Notes For Receiving A Meal
People who might have brought food took out the time to prepare a meal or arrange for one. Take out time from your schedule to thank them for this generosity.
Thank you for all the casseroles you provided my family during the week of [Name’s] funeral. You’re amazing
Thank you for the delicious home-cooked meal you sent during this difficult time. It gave us a wonderful feeling of goodwill and comfort
(Name), Thanks for all the help this week. Not having to worry about preparing food was a true blessing
Bringing lunch/dinner to our home was extremely generous of you and is much appreciated. We are so grateful to have neighbors like you
We appreciate you bringing over a crock pot of chili the day after losing my Dad
Thank you for taking the time to arrange food for the family during this difficult time. It was so thoughtful and helpful of you and is much appreciated
The banana bread was fabulous – You’re the best
Funeral Thankyou Notes For Attending The Funeral
Although you do not have to personally write a thank you note to everyone who attended the funeral or the memorial, the decision is entirely up to you. If you feel like thanking them, keep it short because you might not know many of the people personally.
Our family is grateful for your prayers and support. Sincerely, The Hendersons
Thank you for attending [Name’s] funeral; it meant a lot to the family
Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy and thoughtfulness. It is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered
We were so happy to see you at the funeral. Many thanks for being part of this event
Thank you for your love and support through everything
We really appreciate that you came to Name’s funeral. We know that he/she would have felt blessed to know that you were there
Things To Remember While Writing A Funeral Thank You Note
There is no rush in writing a funeral thank you note. Write it when you feel the most comfortable. Take your time to recover from the grief because there is no set timeline for such things. Once you are in a comfortable enough place to write the notes, it is best to list the people you want to respond to. Just in case you don’t miss out on someone.
You can even send out a message using the internet as a medium. There are many samples and templates available online of thankyou notes that you can customize according to your own needs. Or you can simply just choose to send a message.
If you are more of a traditional person, you can always send out a handwritten note.
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