A Sip of God’s Glory

It started with this quote by St. Gregory Nazianzen: “Recognize to whom you owe the fact that you exist, that you breathe, that you understand, that you are wise, and, above all, that...

63 Uplifting Gratitude Quotes on Being Thankful

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that has the potential to transform our lives. It helps us focus on the positive things in our lives and appreciate what we have, rather than what we...

How Yoga Helped Heal My Anxiety and Quiet My Overactive Mind

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are” ~Carl Jung Yoga is often celebrated for its physical benefits: greater flexibility, increased strength, improved circulation, and so on. But nothing could...

Exorcist Diary: Demons of Obesity

I was a bit surprised when “Sean” told me that he was starting to eat compulsively. He said, “I can’t stop eating. This has never happened before.” The family is locking up the...

How to Record Your Meditations on YouTube

Why record meditations on YouTube? Some do that to demonstrate various meditation techniques, teach others, and thus grow the audience for further monetization of their classes. Others decide to record meditations for fun, to...

How to Ease the Pain of Being Human: From Breakdown to Breakthrough

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know” ~Pema Chödrön We are all works in progress. We all have skeletons in our closets that we may wish to never...

Sage Goddess Awakening Your Inner Fire at Beltane

Beltane is one of my favorite holidays because it’s SEXY! Yes, Beltane is about sex, but that’s just one expression of our ability to birth life. Beltane stands for all the ways we...

Tips on How to Create a Successful Virtual Event in 2023

Many businesses began working remotely during the pandemic and have continued to do so ever since. As a result, organizing events required more ingenuity. Regardless, maintaining a positive attitude and a strong will...
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