What Does Scripture Mean by “the Flesh”?

There are many references to “the flesh” in the New Testament, especially in the letters of St. Paul. The phrase is confusing to those who think it synonymous with the physical body. While...

How To Make Peace with Regrets: 4 Steps That Help Me Let Go

“Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” ~Don Miguel Ruiz The other day, I told my adult niece that I regretted selling my downtown condo several...

The Power of Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

What are the key points of the power of manifestation? How to use this power? This is the topic of the article. Manifestation has become a buzzword in recent years, and for good reason....

Sage Goddess Creating Sacred Space — How to Build an Altar

What is an altar?An altar is more than just a place to store your magical tools — it’s a sacred space for meditation, ritual, and connecting with Source. Think of it as an...

Ten Scientific Studies that Will Encourage You to Own Less

In a world that measures success in material possessions, owning less is countercultural.But through the years, I have found motivation to own less in the many studies that support the decision.Though culture...

An Interview with Dr. Laura Basha, author of The Inward Outlook

Laura Basha, PhD, is a published author, professional artist, compelling and empowering speaker, and certified trainer. She holds a BA in...

Unlocking the Power of Contentment: Meaning and Strategies

What does contentment mean? Contentment definition – Contentment is often viewed as a state of being, where one feels satisfied and at peace with what they have and who they are. It is a state...

Confronting Your Truth: The Life-Changing Benefits of Asking “Why?”

“The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself.” ~David Goggins Today I’m going to ask a question that will unlock a better life for you. You’re probably expecting something...
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