Sage Goddess The Spring Equinox and the Dawn of New Life

The Spring Equinox, or Ostara, is when night and day meet as equals — one of only two magical times of the year where daylight and darkness are precisely balanced. This year, the...

Quotes and Sayings about the Importance of Family

Family is a fundamental aspect of human life, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences, beliefs, and values. Many people have written or spoken about the importance of family throughout...

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Focus and De-Stress

Did you know that mindfulness meditation can help you to de-stress, focus, and think more clearly? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by everything that was going on around you that you just couldn’t...

Want Less Stress? Limit Your Child’s Screen Time

According to important new research, when kids watch lots of television, parents’ stress levels increase.The research is helpful because it seems counterintuitive.In fact, many parents turn on the television specifically when they are...

How Restrictive Diets Mess with Our Brains and Lead to Bingeing

“Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” ~Buddha When I went on my first diet in my teens (low-carb, it was back in the Atkins days), I...

My Big Insight from Meeting the Woman Who Received My Daughter’s Heart

“I lay my head upon his chest, and I was with my boy again. I spent so long in darkness I never thought the night would end. But somehow Grace has found me…and...

7 Simple Habits to Adopt to Improve Your Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is an important trait to have. Many people struggle with self-discipline and it can often feel like an elusive skill. But having the right habits can help you build your self-discipline, so...

And She Lived Happily Ever After 

And She Lived Happily Ever After  by Deb Durbin ( THE POWER OF CONDITIONING? This was the question that prompted me to write my...
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