Nothing You Do Will Be Enough If the Relationship Isn’t Right

“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put them back together.” ~Unknown A couple of months ago my dear friend and I were chatting over...

The Transfiguration of Your Lent

The Second Sunday of Lent will bring us to the 12th day of our Lenten journey. Most of us vowed to make specific sacrifices during this time and this is a good spot...

Visions in Lent: Family Life as Seen in a Rock Tumbler

Most Lenten reflections center on fasting or abstinence along with prayer and almsgiving. However, the word “repent” in our English bibles translates the Greek word “Metanoiate” which most literally summons us “to change...

How to Beat the Winter Blues and Get Motivated Again

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. ...

An afternoon dictation: Inclusive Revelation for the Twenty-First Century

By Steven Greenebaum It took me fifty years, not so much to find myself and embrace what I wanted to do with...

9 Tips for Making the Most of Every Moment of Your Life

You can have a purpose in life, and you can make the most of your life. It’s a matter of choice and of perseverance. To grow, you need to take action and get out...

5 Tips for Being a Lifelong Learner and Gaining Knowledge

Lifelong learning is the voluntary, self-motivated and continuous acquisition of knowledge and development of skills throughout one’s life. It’s essential for many reasons. Aside from improving qualifications and boosting employability, continuous learning enhances confidence,...

Time to manifest your dreams

As we continue to move through the astrological events of 2023, we are starting the spring season with one of the more significant transits — Saturn entering Pisces on March 7, 2023, where...
В казино азино 777 регулярно проводятся различные соревнования. Как правило, победители награждаются денежными призами или бесплатными вращениями в определенных аппаратах.
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