5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Putting Off Things

Everyone procrastinates from time to time. However, there’s no getting around it. There are things to be done. As tempting as it might be to put off that looming homework assignment or that presentation,...

You Are My Beloved: The Lord Takes Delight in His People

Editor’s note: This is part three of a series.  Part one can be found here and part two here.  In the previous article, we reflected on human marriage, which “has profounder origins than the...

All the Things I Didn’t Tell the Men I Dated Because I Was Afraid

I’ve recently been reflecting on my relationship history and how often I did things I wasn’t comfortable with instead of speaking up. It would be easy to solely blame the men I’ve been with,...

Hey, Catholic Writer: Writing About Our Story Can Make Us Holier

Many of us can feel a little squirmy about writing or sharing about ourselves; after all, aren’t we supposed to be humble?  Hidden?  And allow the Lord to have the stage? There are seasons...

Fast Spirituality: How an unhealthy addiction to spiritual practices hinders true spiritual progress

By Nina Verkoeyen When the New Age movement was born in the 1960s, everyone started visualizing, meditating, channeling, chanting, repeating affirmations,...

45 Quotes on Gardening for Everyone Who Loves Gardens

Everyone likes strolling or sitting in a beautiful garden. Some, like to create a garden. We get great joy to look at beautiful things growing, such as flowers with beautiful colors, and trees with...

How to Enter the Narrow Gate

“Make your way in by the narrow gate.” Christ, our Lord, died for the salvation of all mankind, and we know from Scripture that it is God’s will that all men should be saved...

How to Show Up When Nothing About Your Life Is Perfect

“I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more.” ~Angelita Lim I’m not a perfect parent. I’m not...
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