The One Thought That Drives Minimalism

Minimalism in one sentence: Get rid of anything and everything that no longer contributes to the life you want to live.I recently had a helpful online conversation with a person I’ve never met.I...

Just Enough – Spiritual Media Blog

By Noelle Sterne Living in a university neighborhood and with no heart for nine-to-five office jobs, I started a home-based freelance typing service...

6 Creative Ways to Give Inspiring and Thoughtful Gifts

Are you completely stumped when it comes to gift-giving and need a little help? Do you want to know how you can get creative when giving gifts? Gifting someone a special present to show...

How to Make Things Better When It Seems Like Everything Is Going Wrong

“You can never be happy if you’re trapped in the past and fearful of the future. Living in the present is the only way to be happy.” ~Unknown Have you found that the local...

You Are My Beloved: A Movement of the Heart Part 2

Editor’s note: This is part two of a series.  Part one can be found here.  Our culture’s idea of marriage is in an advanced state of decay. We are whip-sawed by intentionally ambiguous arguments...

The reason your meditation isn’t “working” {Free Ebook}

Do you know the #1 mistake nearly everyone makes while meditating,? Trying to change what’s going on in their mind! This is true...

How To Get Rid of Emotional Burdens that Weigh You Down

What it feels like to be weighed down by so many emotional burdens, as if your soul is being crushed under all the troubles you have? Sounds nasty, right? But that’s how some people feel...

7 False Beliefs That Will Keep You Trapped in Your Head Forever

“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.” ~Anthony de Mello When people...
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