Excerpt from The Sh!t No One Tells You About Divorce

Excerpt from The Sh!t No One Tells You About Divorce, by Dawn Dais Chapter 6: All the Therapy (when your friends are officially tired of listening to your bullshit) I tried a lot of different...

Why You Should Seek to Acquire Positive Emotional Detachment

We all encounter stressful situations and stressful people, unpleasant situations and sometimes, some kind of emotional manipulation. This happens at work, in stores, at school, and even in relationships. These encounters create stress and anxiety,...

All the Wrong Reasons I Slept with Men Before and Why I’m Changing Now

I have not had sex in years. I was meditating one day, and my mind was silent (an extremely rare event), then I heard “Do not have sex until you are married.” Something...

The Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: ‘Courage, Dear One’

If God permits temptations to gluttony, it is a sign he wants to give you the reward of an accomplished abstinence so that you might take off in-flight to the highest contemplation. If...

Mind, Quantum, and Free Will

By Peter Ells/ www.iff-books.com Here I discuss my latest book (Ells, 2022). The mind-body problem is the most important challenge that has...

3 Key Benefits to Forgiving and Why I Thanked My Imperfect Parents

“Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” ~Marianne Williamson...

You Are My Beloved: A Movement of the Heart Part 1

In November 1904, a little more than three years after she entered the Carmel in Dijon, St Elizabeth of the Trinity tore a blank page out of her personal notebook, took up her...

Five Reasons to Retire Often

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Jillian Johnsrud.When my husband and I were married 20 years ago, things didn’t look very bright for our financial future. Between us, we had $55,000...
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