72-Hour New Year New You Ebook Bundle

For the next 72 hours, the New Year New You Bundle is available.What is the New Year New You Bundle?For the next three days, 21 authors have come together to offer 21...

Resolution: Becoming Authentically Catholic – SpiritualDirection.com

For earthly joys I do not pine, nor sigh that poverty is mine; for I have gained a matchless prize, and thus I stand beneath the skies; the child of Mary. -–Traditional poem We mourn...

Top Cosmic Events for the Year

Before we get into astrology, let’s remember that 2023 is a 7 year in numerology. 7 energy is about truth, wisdom, change, and evolution. This year invites us to turn within to accelerate...

New Year’s Resolutions Simplified: It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3

You and I will probably come across a hundred articles about New Year’s resolutions in 2023 … again. And, if you and I are like the majority—the well-intentioned, regular people who genuinely want...

Two Exciting Updates (Including a FREE Life-Changing Event Next Week)

Hi friends! I’m thrilled to share that Suzanne from Generation Mindful is hosting a FREE online event from January 2nd-4th—the Reparent Yourself Online Summit. I’ve been a huge fan of Generation Mindful since I had...

How to Let Go of Your Need to Be Informed at all Times

“Don’t mistake being informed by trusting what you hear or read in the news. The most trusted information is what you feel in your gut.” ~Charles F Glassman I was in my kitchen enjoying breakfast...

9 Tips on How to Believe in Yourself and Have Confidence

Having self-confidence is one of the most important things you can have. If you don’t believe in yourself, then it will be really hard for you to reach your goals and dreams. Everyone...

These Men Matter – SpiritualDirection.com

When I was 15 years old, my father died. At the time, my heart was still trying to heal from his two-year absence from our family. (His return to us seven years before his...
В казино азино 777 регулярно проводятся различные соревнования. Как правило, победители награждаются денежными призами или бесплатными вращениями в определенных аппаратах.
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