Sometimes People Don’t Say Sorry—Why It Pays to Forgive Nonetheless

“Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.” ~Roberto Assagioli When I was a little girl, I used to wonder what my father was like. Was he a nice...

6 Lessons from Venus Retrograde 2020

The word “retrograde” has a bad rep thanks to the perceived effects of Mercury Retrograde, which happens several times every year. We love to blame it for all kinds of madness, but we’re...

5 Life Lessons from a Brain Tumor That Could Have Killed Me

“Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. I am learning to live between effort and surrender.” ~Danielle Orner I was slumped against a wall at Oxford Circus Station...

Spirit Creatures of the South

The Wheel TurnsSummer is the season of Fire, infusing us with passion, vitality, and the drive to create and be active. I’m sharing Animal Medicine Spotlight: Spirit Creatures of the South in plenty...

The Two Keys You Need to Declutter Kid’s Stuff

Let’s start with a few presumptions:1. Kids will always add extra stuff to our homes.2. All kids are different.3. Kids make minimalism more important.4. Raising kids is a season of life.By very definition,...

Stir Up Your Sacral Chakra and Get Creative

How are you feeling? Are you connected to the energies of the spring and the coming summer? Are you feeling alive? Possible? Sexy? A bit mischievous? Passionate? Are you sensitive to the gentle...

Giveaway: New Inner Strength Journal – A Tool to Help You Get Through Anything

The winners have been chosen! If you see your name here, please email me at so I can send you a copy. The winners (chosen at random) are: Hi friends! Today, I’m running...

Cultivate the Magic in Children through Crystals and Mindfulness

This planet is truly a magical place and houses many worlds within it, waiting to be discovered and uncovered. As children, we’re way more open to those worlds although it may not be...
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