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Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences

Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences

Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences

By Susan Plunket (www.6th-books.com)

      I now see that this title is a little off-putting, but it’s done now, the book has been printed, so let me correct that by telling you about the book itself. It’s about unusual events that happened to me over the course of my life. And I’m not unusual. Strange things happen to all of us. For example, maybe you’ve seen a ghost or someone you know has. Or maybe you had an imagery friend when you were little. Maybe you knew something before it happened. Then it happened just as you’d see it. Maybe someone you loved died and they visited you in a dream or even while you were awake. Or perhaps you sought out a psychic to try and connect with a person you loved who had died and the psychic told you things only the person would have known. Maybe you’re just curious about the meaning of your life, why you’re here now, what your purpose is. Maybe you even wonder if you’ve lived other lives here on Earth or someplace else.

      I’m a Jungian psychologist, by which I mean I care about the same things Carl Jung found important: our dreams, our inner life, fantasies, our relationship to the unseen world, our paranormal experiences. Making sense of these things is what this book is about. 

       One of my more transcendent, unusual, even sublime, experiences occurred after my younger sister died. I wanted to know where she was now. I wanted to know why she had to leave so soon. A friend told me about a psychologist in California, Michael Newton, who while doing past life regression work with his patients noticed that some people weren’t only going to their past lives but instead were going to a place that was “in between” their various lives. Since my sister had recently died, I thought she might be in that “in-between- lives-place.” I wanted to go there and see her. Fortunately for me, one of Michael Newton’s colleagues was in New York and I got an appointment with him. He explained that it would be two sessions of four hours each. The first session would be ordinary past life regression work to make sure I could handle it and not crack up, psychologically speaking. I did go to the “in-between-lives-place.” One of the nineteen chapters in my book talks about that journey in detail in case you’d like to visit there too or even just hear what it’s like from my point of view. I imagine each of us might have a somewhat different experience of it. 

      Another of the nineteen experiences I recount in the book is something I think many people have experienced – a visit from a loved one after they’ve died, sometimes in a dream. Other times they send a sign, maybe something as simple as a grasshopper if that had meaning for the two of you. In my case my father stood beside my bed in his light body and communicated with me telepathically. After I got over my initial fear, I wanted to know what it was like where he was, if he was happy, if he’d seen my sister. He visited me twice and then let me know he would be going further away vibrationally, and it would be more difficult to find a way, a channel, through to where I was. One of my chapters is about his visits and what he told me about dying. In a nutshell, dying is easier than being born.

      There was one paranormal experience I include in the book that I wish had never happened. When she was sixteen my daughter was possessed by a dark entity that had died and wanted her body. I still thank God all the time for the help I got from an intuitive in Minnesota, Cyndi Dale, and a shaman in Australia, Kerry Henwood. The five psychologists and four psychiatrist we saw were useless. To see your child possessed, suffering and fighting for her life while being feeling helpless to save her is a pain I hope none of you ever encounter.

       I have not only had the help of human shamans and intuitives, but I have also been guided by many in the invisible realm than. In fact, most of my teachers and guides have never been human.  When I asked one of my early teachers, Mongka, what it had been like for him when he was human, told me he’d never been a human. It was only years later that I learned he was a golden angel. In all our conversations he’d never mentioned that. Once I said to him, “I wish I could hug you, but you don’t have a body.” He answered, “Hug yourself, we’ll understand.” He would tell me things like: “Imagine what life would be like if you weren’t always thinking something’s wrong with you. What would you do with your free time?” Mongka was funny and direct in pointing out my shadow side especially when I was acting pretentious or arrogant.

      The ARCs entered my life years after Mongka. They also had never been human. They were gentle and funny. They were the ones who told me I was a scribe, that my life’s purpose was to write. “Don’t worry about what to write,” they said. “Eat a cookie, have a cocktail, it will all be channeled to you.”

When the ARCs or Mongka are around my heart weeps the sweetest tears. 

      Another of my early paranormal teachers was Seth. Reading The Seth Material when I was a girl was scary and exciting to me, but more exciting than scary so I kept reading but only if someone else was home. It was Seth who helped me to understand how we blink in and out of different realities and how many realities are overlaid on one another. Seth was channeled by Jane Roberts, but unlike Mongka and the ARCs, Seth had been once been a human a long time ago. 

      Before I end this article, I want to tell you about Ra, who I also write about in the book. Ra is a 6th dimensional group entity who communicated through voice channel Carla Rueckart in the early 1980’s. Ra is mind-blowing. You can read all the transcripts yourself in The Law of One. He/they created one of the pyramids using only thought. Ra is kind of the icing on my paranormal cake, the cherry on top of my understanding of what we’re doing here on Earth, aside from the general idea that we’re here to wake up to our own power. Ra gives so much information and so much detail about how the universe is constructed and organized. Mongka never wanted to do that. He wanted it to be revealed when each of us was ready, as did the Arcs, but Ra’s more intense. He wants as many of us as possible to be aware of what our lives are for right now at this auspicious moment of Earth’s ascension.

      I’ve had a wonderful, scary, heartbreaking and heart-filling journey in this life. If you’re interested, I’ve shared some of the paranormal aspects of it in my new book: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences which is part of a series on the paranormal. 

      If the paranormal in general interests you, you might enjoy all the books in the Paranormal Perspectives Series published by 6th Books (www.6th-books.com)

A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences – Susan Plunket, October 1st, 2024

One Big Box of ‘Paranormal Tricks’? – John Fraser, November 1st, 2024

Where the Spirit Led – Brad Burkholder, June 2024

Hauntings, Attachments and Ghouls – G L Davies, July 2025

Portraits of Alien Encounters Revisited – High Strangeness British UFO Cases – Harry Watson, August 2025

Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences by Susan Plunket is available from www.6th-books.com and from wherever books are sold. Release date October 1st, 2024.

BOOK LINK: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/6th-books/our-books/paranormal-perspectives-jungian-understanding-transcendent-experiences

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