By Dr. Archan Mehta
Why are you busy
Chasing superficial,
Shallow and fleeting pleasures?
Please let me give
You a few examples:
Driving a fancy car,
Owning expensive mansions,
Buying the latest gadgets,
Purchasing a private jet,
Showing off your jewelry
To the hapless masses, such as
Diamonds, pearls, rubies,
Sapphires, emeralds, etc.
And, obviously, this
List goes on as you
Carefully cultivate your
Public image and make sure
That people with power
And influence are familiar
With your “rags to riches” story:
After all, who can resist
A self-made billionaire?
When will you realize
That only the experience
Of bliss consciousness can
Fill the void in your life?
Why are you roaming
Around here, there and
Why do you still feel
Sad, lonely and frustrated
Even after bringing home
A trophy wife, winning awards
And honors and being invited
To public functions as a chief guest?
When do you plan to
Make contact with your soul?
If only you would
Sit down in one place
And experience the joy
Of silence, stillness and solitude.
A new world will
Surely open up to
You, but you need
To give it a chance
In your restless and
Hurried and worried life.
It would be wise
To retreat gently
Into the experience
Of just being
And you will feel
Like a new person for sure.
It is time for
You to learn the
Lesson of our ancients:
The wisdom of celebrating
Your own company instead
Of wandering outside
And drifting aimlessly
In search of solutions
To the challenges
Your face in life.
You don’t have
To feel like
A stranger in
Your journey through life.
The sanctuary you
Crave is within
Your own self:
You can retreat there
Whenever you feel
Like it and forget
About worldly attachments
while your unenlightened
Peers still feel like exotic
And endangered species
Living under the
Constant threat of extinction.
It is time to dive
Deep to save your
Own life for the home
You crave lies nowhere
Else but within your own soul.
Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, Dr. Mehta is a Freelance Writer and Consultant based in India. Over the years, Dr. Mehta’s creative work has been featured in numerous publications in India, U.K., USA, South Africa and the Middle East. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors, party with close friends, listen to music and stay on top of current events. Dr. Mehta is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Mehta at