Rediscover Who You Are: Not Allowing Your Past to Determine Your Future
By Charlene Green, author of You Are Not Your Past
It’s so easy to reminisce on the life events that we may not be so proud of, or situations that occurred in our past that we can reflect on to say, “I could have done better.” One day while strolling down memory lane, I started to notice the changes in my physical body that occurred when I thought of not so good memories that came to mind. I noticed there was a direct correlation with the thoughts I was having and the chemicals that were being released in my body. My heart will start to race and at times, I will physically start to feel ill. I will notice anxiety creeping in. As I started to do research and stumbled upon mindfulness and spirituality, I learned how my thoughts and how I managed my feelings, shaped my reality and health.
For years, I identified myself as being a survivor of physical abuse from a previous relationship and unknowingly, I made decisions based upon what I experienced during that time in my life. My decision making was both good and bad, but it wasn’t until I realized that my life up until that point was a reflection of what I wanted others to think about me and not what I truly wanted to be.
Being raised as a Christian I always prayed which I can truly say led me to spirituality. Growing up in the church since the age of four years old, I knew the principles of the bible, but spirituality was never discussed. It wasn’t until I started to seek healing and a better state of wellbeing, was when I truly embraced spirituality. I made the executive decision that it is not what I did or experienced in the past that determined who I am, and in that moment, I experienced a rebirth. No longer answering the call of the past, but creating a future life by phoning to my highest self. I started to practice mindfulness and develop a pathway to the spiritual call of the one true source that sustains us all. Here are some of the practices that help shape and transform my life:
- Meditation- Meditating on a daily basis allowed me quiet my mind and tune in to what my spirit led me to.
- Practicing Gratitude- I started to list and concentrate on the things and people that I was grateful for. What we focus on will only magnify, so it is beneficial to focus on the things we want versus the things that we do not want.
- Goal setting- Journaling and writing down goals is an excellent way to prioritize what is it that you will like to accomplish.
- Affirmations- Saying affirmations first thing in the morning is a great way to start your day with positivity and affirm who you are at what you are capable of. It is power in your thoughts and speech. What you believe is what you will become.
- Love & Prayer- Loving yourself is a direct reflection of the infinite source. Prayer is an essential power that we can rely on for assistance and guidance throughout our lifetime.
Life is not a courtroom, but a classroom. Everything that we experience can turn into a lesson of become we can beacon of light and love.
For more inspiration, please visit my website www.youarenotyourpast.org
Book link for purchase You Are Not Your Past: An Inspirational Journey – Dorrance Bookstore (dorrancepublishing.com)