For many, Mother’s Day is a challenging day as well as a day of beauty and remembrance. Mothering is the most complex task assigned to human beings because it requires a radical depth of strength and compassion and the heavy responsibilities of gestation and birth. This Mother’s Day, I feel called to focus on our collective Mother, Gaia, instead of our physical mothers. Since my mother is no longer with me on the physical plane, I’ve become more aware of her presence as part of the broader cosmos. It’s a reminder that we are always held and protected — and of the importance of nurturing Mother Nature in return for all of the healing that our planet provides.
Who is Gaia?
Across thousands of years and miles, Gaia, or Mother Nature, has reigned supreme. She has shown up in so many myths across different cultures throughout history. She is known by other names, both familiar and obscure — Mother Mary, Isis, Demeter, Shekhinah, Papatuanuku, and many more. Gaia is the ultimate mother archetype. She’s the mother who will never let you down or disappoint you, and at the end of our lives, she receives each of us back again in an endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This mother archetype resides in all of us — in our vulnerability and potential to connect on a profound soul level. However Gaia manifests in your spiritual practice, we owe her many thanks for this life. She is the creator of every last thing we require for nourishment, wholeness, and happiness — from the air we breathe to the food we consume to the stable ground upon which we walk and rest.
Ways to Honor and Connect with Gaia
Create altar space
You may feel called to create a sacred altar space to honor Gaia this Mother’s Day. Your altar could be a simple shelf, table, or cabinet, or something more elegant and elaborate. You can place your altar inside your home or outdoors. Choose a spot that feels right for you. Incorporate Items into this space to honor Mother Nature, such as:
- Flowers
- A bowl or jar of dirt
- Fruit
- Images of the Earth
- Seeds, grains, and honey
Work with crystals
Crystals emit energetic vibrations that impact how you feel, sense, and interact with your environment — and you can add them to your Mother’s Day altar or hold them in meditation to strengthen your intentions to connect with Gaia.
- Chrysocolla is a stone of the Goddess, the timeless call of the Divine Feminine. Its exquisite turquoise blue color, with distinct and varying dark striations, reminds me of a miniature version of Earth. So much of our connection with people and the planet itself is built on a need for patience, open communication, and compassion.
- Diopside is a stone of healing, balance, and Earth connection. This magical gem creates a powerful tie between you and the natural world and leads you to integrate your spirit with the spirit of Gaia.
- Dravite, also known as brown tourmaline, is grounding and protective. It helps you act in alignment with your highest self and anchors you into Gaia’s love and wisdom. Dravite resonates with the Earth Star Chakra, your closest energetic connection to Mother Earth and your ancestors.
- Honey calcite is a nurturing gem that brings gentle protection and helps you heal the mother wound. It supports the flow of unconditional love and is known to heal any unresolved emotional issues between you and your mother.
- Variscite is an emotional healer and helps you release any internal baggage that may prevent you from circulating love. Its energy closely aligns with the Earth’s energy field, so it connects and attunes you to Gaia.
Meditation is one of the simplest ways to connect with both your own inner center and Mother Nature. All you need is a willingness to create quiet within yourself and a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. When you are settled, try to forget the concerns of the day and honor Gaia by considering the cycles of the Earth, Moon, and greater cosmos. Ask yourself:
- When did you first become aware of these cycles?
- What must the creation of the universe have looked and felt like?
- In what areas of your life are you currently creating and bringing new ideas into reality?
In Closing
Mother Nature maintains her watchful eye and is always awake and tending the fire, keeping you warm in her mindful embrace. She will hold you accountable when you falter, but you will still feel loved because her love is steadfast and unconditional. So many of us hunger for this lasting softness — a beautiful place to rest our weary minds and find a source of constant hydration for the soul, a river we cannot deplete. Let’s honor Gaia this year, revering and blessing her, thanking and welcoming her into our lives, hearts, and energy fields. And so it is.
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