We talk about smudging all the time here at Sage Goddess because it’s a critical first step in any sacred ritual and just a great way to clear negativity and raise the vibe at any time. I smudge daily to purify my sacred space before any ritual, ceremony, or meditation. It’s an integral part of my spiritual practice – in fact, it’s what this community was built upon! Sage Goddess began with my hand-wrapped smudge bundles, which I offered to those around me to spread healing, love, and light. It remains my mission to share and educate others about this ancient practice, and I feel inspired by the autumn season to offer you some of my most cherished personal smudging tips! With Mabon and Samhain fast at our heels, we’ll be delving deep into shadow work and connecting with our ancestors across an ever-thinning Veil. This is the time to get grounded, call in your spiritual support team, and stay protected. Here’s my Sage Goddess Smudging Protocol so you can do this for yourself.
Sage Goddess Smudging Protocol
Please note: Your ritual or ceremony can be performed with the smoke of any sacred herb or tree resin. However, to clear energies that are resistant, it’s best to use salvia
First, begin by saying a brief centering prayer.
“Great Spirit, ancestors in the light, and guardian angels who surround me, I ask that you come closer and guide my hands and this smoke as we prepare to clear and consecrate this sacred space.”
Then, light your sage, palo santo, copal, or other resin or herb. Take a deep breath and feel your feet on the floor. Become aware of your breath. Take three deep, cleansing breaths. On the inhale, call into yourself strength, peace, and wellness. On the exhale, release fear, resistance, and physical tension.
And take a moment there. Let the process unfold slowly.
As the herbs and/or resins begin to smoke, move to the easternmost quadrant of your room or space. Fan the smoke out in front of you with your right hand, and say these words out loud:
“Guardians of the east, remove any energies from this space that are not serving my highest good. Please replace them with clarity, focus, and peace.”
Next, move to the southernmost quadrant of your room or space. Fan the smoke out in front of you with your right hand, and say these words out loud:
“Guardians of the south, remove any energies from this space that are not serving my highest good. Please replace them with courage, strength, and curiosity.”
Next, turn toward the westernmost quadrant of your room or space. Fan the smoke out in front of you with your right hand, and say these words out loud:
“Guardians of the west, remove any energies from this space that are not serving my highest good. Please replace them with happiness, lightheartedness, and physical ease.”
Finally, turn toward the northernmost quadrant of your room or space. Fan the smoke out in front of you with your right hand, and say these words out loud:
“Guardians of the north, remove any energies from this space that are not serving my highest good. Please replace them with grounding, patience, and wisdom.”
Now that you have cleared the energies of your space, take another deep cleansing breath. Extinguish your bundle or herbs and give thanks to the plants for their energy. Release the guides and guardians with gratitude as well. And remember to do this same process as needed, but at least twice each month at the new and full moons and also before any ceremony or deep meditation. So long as it is done mindfully and reverently, this protocol cannot be overused or exhausted. The Great Mother can carry and release what is too heavy for you, with love.
Amen, A’ho, So it is.
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