Our homes are more than just a place where we sleep and a roof for us to store our stuff under. They reflect who we are today and where we’re headed tomorrow.
Now, just to be clear. Our home is the place we return to at the end of the day to rest our head and it is the place where we keep our stuff. But it is more than that.
Home is also the launching pad from which we live our lives in the world. And the second part of this purpose of home is often overlooked. And when it is, our homes can hold us back more than we realize.
Think of it this way, the longer we live in a home the more it collects objects from our past. If you’ve lived in your home for any number of years, just look around. It is likely full of stuff from our past: old hobbies we don’t participate in anymore, clothes that don’t fit, kitchen items we used to use, items from when our kids were younger, books from school, souvenirs from trips.
These things used to be a part of our lives, but now they just sit there, taking up space. And the longer we live in a home, the more these possessions from the past have collected.
We often keep these things because they remind us of good times or because we think we might need them again. But life has changed.
That’s just how life works—we are always growing and changing. “The only constant in life is change,” as the old saying goes.
And because life has changed, many of the items we needed years ago are not needed today.
In this way, letting go of excess possessions is often about releasing an older version of ourselves. And this can be where many people struggle. Decluttering our past can feel like a betrayal of the past—or at the very least, a loss of appreciation for it.
But decluttering the past doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate it. It just means acknowledging that change has happened and intentionally walking, fully focused, into our next and current season.
By decluttering possessions from previous seasons of life, we don’t diminish that season. Just the opposite. We honor it by fully embracing the new you that was formed out of it.
The best way to honor our past is to live fully in our present.
As an example, clutter from past seasons of our lives can show up in various ways:
- Items from old careers that no longer define us.
- Toys and clothes from when our children were younger.
- Equipment from past hobbies we used to love, but no longer interest us.
- Souvenirs from past accomplishments (or dreams fulfilled).
- Keepsakes from experiences we enjoyed.
- Items from past relationships that enriched our lives—sometimes in immeasurable ways.
These possessions helped shape who we are, but if they are not serving us in our current season, they are holding us back from it. And shedding yesterday can usher in an even brighter future.
Consider the invitation to embrace the freedom of owning less: freedom to be who you are today, to make the most of you are, and to bring your best every day.
Acknowledging that those items served their purpose in shaping us into who we are today is an important step in removing them. But we also must give ourselves permission to move forward as the people we have become, unburdened, and open to the richness and importance of the present.
If you’re surrounded by the physical possessions of an old version of yourself, view minimalism as an opportunity to rejuvenate your space AND your spirit.
Letting go isn’t an end. It’s an invitation to redefine, refine, and rediscover. Minimalism is about creating a space that reflects who you are today and who you want to be in the future.
Today is the perfect day to let go of yesterday’s clutter and embrace the unlimited promise of tomorrow.
If you struggle with decluttering these types of possessions, here are some articles that will help: