Keep doing what your doing
You can’t tell what God has for you, or what future purposes He might have in the experiences you are going through right now, so don’t try to find out. Just keep doing what you feel at present He is giving you to do. He has a perfect purpose for all that is happening to you, even if at present it is not clear. So keep centered on this glorious freeing truth.
The single eye of faith of which Jesus spoke enables us to remain free within, regardless of outside circumstances and appearances. We are not to become double minded, frustrated by the circumstances. We are to accept fully the situation of the moment–the external situation He has us in, and the way we feel toward it–knowing that it is for the purpose of manifesting His life in us. Our sole job is to keep inwardly at rest in the midst of suffering and temptation–and in the midst of failure and seeming defeat–knowing that we walk with Him alone and that He walks in us and will cause us to walk in His ways.
He directs our steps
“Though a man plans his way in his heart it is God Who directs his steps”……Proverbs 16:9
“I (God) makes known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I (God) says: My purpose will stand, and I (God) will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:10).
Numbers 23:19 “God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.”
He will bring it to pass
Because He has determined to take us this way, He does not see the confusion, heaviness, or perplexity, but only His next step in His perfect plan for us. And He in us is the one who will bring it to pass as we accept the present fully and rejoice in it, trusting that all things truly do work together for good despite the appearance of the moment.
But Lord, we need You so desperately! We desire to walk with You, talk with You, feel your very presence daily. And still He answers back with silence. How can this be? It is in the silences, in the times of aloneness, in the arena of nothingness, that the secrets of our hearts are made manifest, and we begin to know ourselves for who we really are. He puts our faith to a test in a manner that it would not be tested when we were daily conscious of His Presence. Easy to believe on Him then. Lord, this is wonderful, just stay right here with us so we can continue to feel your Presence…..BUT THEN SILENCE AGAIN.
The Word is alive
The Word is alive as we read it and live it day by day, the prophecies are uplifting, the revelations keep coming – what life in this walk “by faith” with our Lord. Then, not said with words, but in our own experiences, the stream trickles into nothing, feelings go barren, prayers are empty, no answers. Is this GOOD for us? Yes, we learn to REST IN FAITH,” knowing that He remains in control, and in due time, from deep within arises the assurance and inner confidence that HE IS THERE. Thus, we learn to live from the silent LIFE within. Because HIS LIFE continues to flow even when we don’t sense it or feel it.
Proving that…………”IT’S NO LONGER I BUT CHRIST!”
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”………Philippians 1:6