

Is Thy Counselor Perished?“Now why doth thou cry aloud? Is there no king in thee? Is thy counselor perished?” (Micah 4:9)“One God and Father of all, who is ABOVE all, and THROUGH all, and IN you all”. (Ephesians 4:6)Paul declared...

Strange Time of Transition

Everything is changingThis present time is what we call a time of transition. It is a time of progression and transition when the world is passing through the distress and travail that is common...

So What Comes Next?

Walking In Your PurposeWhen the “going gets tough” the majority HEAD BACK TO EGYPT!Scriptures:    Luke 16:16 (The Good News is purpose Romans 8:28) /  Ex 16:1-3  /  Ex 14:10-15Think back when you were a...

Hello world!

Welcome to the "Spiritual" side of MyLoveLink Brand!An Adventure in GodA true walk with God will do more to awaken awe, wonder, and amazement in your soul than would a century of travel through...

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