The Kriya Serpent Yogi  – Spiritual Media Blog


The Kriya Serpent Yogi 

by Agni Lakshya (Mantra Books)

How to Transform Ordinary People into Extraordinary Humans

Kriya Serpent Yoga is a transcendental meditation and an expedient means to achieve Kundalini to awaken your Soul. This will connect you to the Divine within, finding your purpose in this lifetime. This is the foundational premise behind this practice, to awaken people to their purpose and help them achieve it.

Like me, your purpose may span multiple lifetimes, but until you awaken and connect to the Divine, you will never know what that purpose is. Kriya Serpent Yoga will help you achieve that, taking as little as a couple years if you are far along in your spiritual evolution. Taking the Kriya Serpent Yoga Test will tell you how far along you are, placing you in a specific level of the practice based on your results.

I was told to create the test as a precursor to the practice so people could understand where they are in their journey while getting a taste of this practice. Though based on Kriya Yoga, it blends a mixture of Zen and esoteric visualization techniques to help develop the natural Siddhis (psychic abilities) all people have.

It is a mantra-based practice, using a custom set of symbols, sounds, and meanings to elicit the Kundalini within to rise. It is very powerful, and it could cause harm to those not prepared for such energy. This is why it is broken into four distinct levels, each introducing different techniques to steadily raise a person’s vibrational state, preparing them for the eventual power of Kundalini:

Level 1: Introductory

Level 2: Beginner

Level 3: Intermediate

Level 4: Advanced

Though the test will inform a person of their suggested starting level within this practice, it is important everyone master all earlier techniques before moving upward. Each technique has a purpose that is critical to the overall success of the practice. Remember, the goal is to awaken you to your Divine nature, connecting you to the Divine to learn your purpose.

Like many transcendental meditation practices, this will alter your state of consciousness, opening you to the various planes within our complex Universe, not the false Universe we learn about in our sheltered existence. There is so much more, and yes, there is a Creator waiting for you to awaken. Sorry atheists, I know how dead set you are about there being nothing. Try this practice and see for yourself, you don’t have to take my word for it.

Each level has specific learning objectives building upon earlier levels to achieve the new objectives. Level 1 is for those who have never meditated before or are just starting their meditation journey. Level 2 expands upon the foundations of Level 1, introducing the Song of the Serpent technique to stimulate the Kundalini within. This is when the true magic begins!

In Level 3, it is all about discovering your purpose. The practice hones the earlier techniques and advances the Kriya Serpent specific techniques to establish the connection to the Divine within. It is quite powerful and would suffice for anyone as a lifetime meditation path. In Level 4, you are finally a Kriya Serpent Yogi, taking charge of your spiritual evolution while pursuing the purpose you learned within Level 3.

Though the initial levels of the practice are sufficient for a lifetime, the Serpent Master program is being developed for the Kriya Serpent Yogis who will emerge, seeking new techniques, knowledge, and purpose. This instruction will take the yogi to greater heights, revealing more of the esoteric Universe while introducing a plethora of new techniques.

Level 1 of this practice is currently available in written form on my website at and available in a series of videos on my Youtube Channel @KriyaSerpentYogi. It provides a wonderful sample of the basics of meditation with an introduction to the Kriya Serpent Yoga practice before you commit to buying the book.

My channel also contains informational videos about each level of the practice, so before you begin, watch those videos to learn more information than I could fit in this blog. Should you decide to start this practice, take the Kriya Serpent Yoga Test to see where you are on your spiritual journey and to get a taste of the Kriya Serpent Yoga practice.

Why Kriya Serpent Yoga?

This is a very pragmatic question considering the multitude of meditation and esoteric practices you now have available. But ask yourself what you intend on doing through these practices. My purpose is to wake you up, connect you with the Divine, and let you discover your purpose in this lifetime. If this is what you yearn for, then this practice is for you.

We are not reaching for Nirvana, though you could achieve that. We do not set a goal for Samadhi, though that is also achievable. We are not even trying to ascend to our higher state of reality, leaving behind this denser realm in favor of a different one. No, the Kriya Serpent Yogi treasures this plane of reality for the learning, the experiences, and the emotional rollercoaster it affords us. This reality is our crucible, and we yearn to hone our Soul into a powerful force in defense of this reality.

Our purpose right now is to bring this planet and this species to the higher realms of the third dimension, ushering in a new age of understanding and galactic brotherhood. It is time for humanity to takes its rightful place among the other enlightened species of this galaxy, becoming the guides and watchers for the next new worlds evolving. This is our destiny, and if you want to play a significant role within it, then Kriya Serpent Yoga is for you.

If you do not care about this plan, or do not want to work on behalf of this world and humanity, then try out the many other flavors of meditation and yoga. If your goal is ascension for only yourself, join a monastery and focus your efforts solely on those pursuits. But if you want a challenging and satisfying life dedicated to this world and the people on it, then join us.

Not only will your purpose take you to higher states of vibration and consciousness, but it will also introduce you to the fellow citizens of this Universe, forging new relationships with those you thought did not exist. Yes, we are not alone in this incredible Universe, and there are others out there waiting to greet you and assist you in your purpose. They want humanity to ascend into the Cosmos.

The true history of our world is just now being told, and the reality of our existence is both remarkable and transformative. You do not need to learn it from anyone on earth, but those waiting to greet you will tell you all about our creation and our eventual purpose. This is far beyond the scope of just a simple yoga practice and will elevate your life in ways you cannot yet imagine. 

It isn’t a question of if this will happen only a question of when. Start the practice now, and you will be on the ground floor of one of the most incredible efforts undertaken on this world.

The Kriya Serpent Yogi by Agni Lakshya  is available from Mantra Books and from wherever books are sold.


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