Amazon has just selected Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life as their Kindle Deal of Day.
And is offering the Kindle version for just $2.99 — today only.*
In fact, they have notified their customers about the price drop in a Kindle Goldbox Email Blast, which is the biggest merchandising vehicle Amazon has for eBook price drops.
$2.99 is the lowest price I’ve seen offered—so I also wanted to let you know right away.*
*Valid only for US-residents. The Kindle deal may be available in other geographic regions, but I was only notified of the US offer.
Today is a great day to get my book!
Special thanks to both Amazon and my publisher for making this discount happen.
Because of today’s special deal, I’ve also decided to re-open registration for Things That Matter Video Course that I created to accompany the release of the book back in April.
The Things That Matter Course is a six-week online course, hosted by me, to help you apply the principles of the book to your unique life. It includes videos, practical application challenges (daily, weekly, & monthly) and motivational emails to keep you focused on removing the distractions that keep us from our most meaningful life.
The course is not required to enjoy and be inspired by the book, but it’s a nice companion for just $7.
If you want extra inspiration to overcome the distractions in life that keep us from things that matter, this 6-week video course is designed to do just that.
Please note: You don’t need to buy the Kindle edition of the book to sign up for the course. If you previously purchased the book or prefer the audio/physical copy of the book, no problem. The course presupposes you have the book in-hand, but if you read it any time over the last 6 months, I’d love for you to join us.
You can sign up for the 6-week course today.
The deadline to sign-up for the course is Wednesday, October 26—and it will begin on Monday, October 31.
Things That Matter released just six months ago. So it’s really exciting to see Amazon offer it as their Kindle Deal of the Day! Available at $2.99 for one day only.