Knock, knock, knock. Do you hear that sound? It’s an invitation. An allowing. A prompting for something deeper, expansive, genuine, and pure. You’re familiar with this sound, although at times it might seem distant. Shallow. Barely audible above your breath and the thoughts that bump around in your head. But it is there. Always there. Tapping, knocking on the doorway of your heart. If the past year has shown us anything, it’s revealed the necessity of loving ourselves. And I don’t mean that surface love, although even that has its rightful place. The kind of love I’m referring to is the kind that opens you more to the Universe that you are. I mean the deep-dive kind of self-love that reveals to us the tenderness and strength of not just our hearts, but our souls. The love that transforms and alchemizes. The love that ignites and activates our deepest desires. The love that, when properly directed and channeled, creates universes and worlds. The love that brought us all here. I think it’s high time for us to awaken to this love. In doing so, we awaken this love in others. It’s time to welcome home the awareness of love.
Rewriting the Script on Love
This time of year can be a trigger for so many. Before we’ve even had a chance to take in the Christmas and Yule-time holidays, we’re bombarded with red heart packaging, candies, and cards for that special someone. For those who don’t have a significant other in their life, this can be confronting and stir up feelings of unworthiness and not-enoughness, and even highlight loneliness – or guilt. The Valentine’s Day holiday can resurrect feelings of inadequacy and insufficiency. It can also bring up the loss and deep-seated pain of past relationships.
But this time of year doesn’t have to be that way. There’s always a choice that allows you to recreate or feel into a new narrative around love and relationships in general. You always have the power to shift and rewrite the script about what love is to you and how it shows up in your life. You are that powerful.
The Alchemy of Love
This year in my Soul Shift program, we’re diving into alchemy. Alchemy is a process of transforming one substance, state of being, thought form, or creation into another. Alchemy is the process of becoming YOU – fully, passionately, unapologetically, and truly YOU. I don’t think we discuss the alchemy present in love enough. Love indeed is an alchemical process. It is THE alchemical process. It is love that can forgive the abuse and soften the pain of a broken heart. It is love that initiates and governs the process of a child forming in its mother’s womb. It is love that holds together the agreement between Earth, Water, Fire, and Air – a sacred agreement that sustains life and makes it possible for creation on this planet. It is love that holds the stars in the sky and ensures that the Earth revolves around the Sun, creating our seasons and so much more. Love is never in absence – it’s always in abundance. The more you become aware of how love expresses and shows up, the more it will reveal itself to you. The more you become aware of love’s depth, the more you invite it to come to you in a form you desire to experience, such as an intimate relationship. When you become aware of all the ways love is, it becomes increasingly challenging to focus on when it seems love isn’t. You’ll eventually find that there isn’t a moment when love isn’t in action, in the background holding it all together. Love just is.
Today and in the days, weeks, and months to follow, I invite you to intentionally be aware of the love that surrounds, holds, and went into creating you – the love that illuminates and is present in all of Creation. When asked by a friend how he knew to draw so many uses from the peanut, agricultural scientist George Washington Carver replied, “When you love something enough, it will reveal its secrets to you.” The same is true with love. When you love love enough, when you are aware of love, it will reveal its secrets to you. And, it will rush to draw those experiences and people to you that will be channels for love to affirm and express its bounty in your life. Of this I am certain.
This Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to love the deeper parts of you with greater intention, love those in your surroundings with greater intention, love this planet with greater intention and attention, and watch how this awareness will bring the Love you desire home to you.
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